How does AA work?

SassyMastySassyMasty Member Posts: 315
So I was looking over champions that are concerned with ability accuracy and I was wondering if anyone knew how these interactions occur? I know there's a strange interaction between AA and mordo where AA is able to parry and heavy without being astral evaded... I'm mostly curious about how these interact with domino.

When domino makes her opponent unlucky...
- Is AA affected?
- Is Mordo affected?

Would a 100% AA reduction to domino cause all of her abilities to fail to trigger? (wasp synergy)

Would Karnak's 80% reduction of defensive AA after l3 interact with domino at all?

I would also like to know if anyone knows any quirky interactions or tips that maybe aren't common knowledge...

Thanks guys!


  • MegaGalacticMegaGalactic Member Posts: 248 ★★
    I am also wondering about the ability accuracy there! Good questions. Haven’t noticed the Mordo thing myself but gonna test that now.
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