Medusa Armor Shatter

Currently IMIW is able to get around the effects of armor shatter which makes no sense. "While armor shattered is active, opponents cannot suffer from further armor breaks nor activate their armor buffs." Note that it is not "armor up buffs" so it should absolutely stop molecular armor and used to in the past for me consistently. But I just had an armor shattered IMIW gain NINE of his passive armor buff and then auto block? This makes no sense.
You quote it right, it stop armor buffs from triggering.
Only that. Armor buffs.
IW IM armors are not buffs
A passive ability is ... a passive ability.
A buff is NOT a passive ability (and this is confirmed by the game team).
So in theory, passive buffs do not exist in the way this game works, at least.
You hit him, he gets the armor's. Lets say you weren't reducing his ability accuracy in the first place. Then there is zero reason for you to avoid his armor's from triggering.
Because like you mentiod before, armor shattered stops armor buffs from triggering. Meaning it stops armor buffs, and that's just it. If it was "armor effects" then it would include armor buffs and passive armor's (that aren't naturally removed by armor breaks). But is only armor buffs, so it should do nothing against passive armors (because again, they are not buffs)
Buffs and effects even confuse Kabam themselves; just read the map 7 spotlight where they regularly refer to effects as buffs and then read SW and Dormammu’s character sheets and see if they actualy do anything to effects (hint they don’t).
Did that hit happen against an awakened 5* IWIM below 15% health? His sig level grants X stacks of armor when he is hit while his health is below 15%, with the amount of stacks dependent on his sig level (minimum of 3, maximum of 8 if sig 200), plus a 24% chance to activate one with each hit received.
I'm not saying I don't believe you, but there are a series of questions that would need to be answered to fully understand how things went down.