Catalyst Offer
The latest Catalyst offer is not worth £67.99 to what way overcharged for some people can not afford to pay that price.
I would have paid £19.99 for that promotion. Having noted the high charges, I have spent more time on the X-Box Console to play Forza 7. I can buy a set of cars for £7.99, but don't need to.
After some Alpha Tier 2 Catalyst in a bundle of 4 to be ideal and would look to be ideal to throw some gold in with it along with some shards to make it worthwhile. With a package like that, I would be able to splash out something like £22.99 for a sale.
If I am wrong then it's back on the X-Box to buy something.
If I am right then I would buy something from Marvel.
Custom is based on what you charge fairly at a reasonable price.
My custom to pay money goes where it goes, to where I decide and to which company.
Right or Wrong.
I would have paid £19.99 for that promotion. Having noted the high charges, I have spent more time on the X-Box Console to play Forza 7. I can buy a set of cars for £7.99, but don't need to.
After some Alpha Tier 2 Catalyst in a bundle of 4 to be ideal and would look to be ideal to throw some gold in with it along with some shards to make it worthwhile. With a package like that, I would be able to splash out something like £22.99 for a sale.
If I am wrong then it's back on the X-Box to buy something.
If I am right then I would buy something from Marvel.
Custom is based on what you charge fairly at a reasonable price.
My custom to pay money goes where it goes, to where I decide and to which company.
Right or Wrong.