Catalyst Offer

HENRY40087HENRY40087 Member Posts: 91
The latest Catalyst offer is not worth £67.99 to what way overcharged for some people can not afford to pay that price.
I would have paid £19.99 for that promotion. Having noted the high charges, I have spent more time on the X-Box Console to play Forza 7. I can buy a set of cars for £7.99, but don't need to.
After some Alpha Tier 2 Catalyst in a bundle of 4 to be ideal and would look to be ideal to throw some gold in with it along with some shards to make it worthwhile. With a package like that, I would be able to splash out something like £22.99 for a sale.
If I am wrong then it's back on the X-Box to buy something.
If I am right then I would buy something from Marvel.
Custom is based on what you charge fairly at a reasonable price.
My custom to pay money goes where it goes, to where I decide and to which company.
Right or Wrong.


  • DarthHaasDarthHaas Member Posts: 385 ★★
    I see both points it would be nice to get that offer. I think kabam is saying we (the active player base) get the monthly stuff for free (I know it’s not generic A.G.! But getting players to join back up or entice them back helps the game therefore helps us. Logic good or bad I see the point. But earlier I was lobbying for the deal in a hard way just tying.. lol it did not work
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