The Alliance System

So I've been playing this game for over a year now and one thing I've always noticed is how bad the alliance system is for the folks who have busy lives. Some people have it easy with a nice office job and alot of down time or maybe a self run business, and other people may have a job with no down time and a schedule that constantly changes. Now the way that the game is structured is that if you aren't in an alliance, you earn less rewards, have less content, and essentially stop progressing once you can't earn rank up resources or access things like t4cc and t5b. I can communicate with an alliance and let them know how things are in terms of my real life situation, but eventually they get tired of dealing with a busy player and kick you without any discussion after agreeing to accommodate your busy schedule. Of all the alliances I've been in, I've never seen war season rewards once. Not a single time. End game progression heavily relies on having a decent alliance to play in, and it's getting old finally getting free time during the day, booting the game up, only to see that your alliance tag is no longer next to your name, and you have a message in your inbox letting you know which officer kicked you. You check your line chat and you've been removed from all of them and ghosted by your alliance. I can't clear solo content without ranking proper tier champs, and i can't rank those champs without clearing alliance content, and i can't be in an alliance if i get kicked for having a busy life. Now before you close the discussion and tell me what thread to type this under and sweep this under the rug, i want you to really consider just how much people miss out on with such a broken system. People who really enjoy the game can only do so much that they might as well just find something else to play. The progression system isn't too solo friendly, and it severely hurts the game and player base
In that case, I’d suggest you’ll find a more chill alliance that isn’t competitive. You want better rewards without sacrificing time and effort to login and do your part, while the alliance carries you? Not gonna happen, most of the time.
Actually the longest I'm not on is 8 hours, mostly 6. And no I'm not looking for that, I'm telling Kabam they need to revamp or change the alliance system or completely get rid of it. Aq and aw can easily be made into solo aq and 1v1 wars, but for some reason they had the idea to go up to 30 players in one alliance and split it into 3 bgs of 10 instead of 2 bgs of 15 so people can cover each other. Then there's the matter of things like time zones. We can't all get jobs sitting on our asses with a bunch of down time to enjoy a mobile game or be in school with no real life worries. I'm just saying they want the game to be successful but yet built it on a system that doesn't work for everyone
Alliances are the best thing that has happened to this game.
Anyway, quick question, have you 100% A4? RttL? Or one pass at LOL or A5? If you’ve not done so then why are you even complaining about not being able to earn your upgrade resources?
(Edit: Looking at your profile you have 2 R4 Champs and you’re away for 6-8 hours most of the time. Then you’re looking for Map 5 alliances. So.... you’re expecting to be carried. Doesn’t work that way dude.)
You DO know i play map 5 often and handle it very well right? My usual team is a 5/50 Domino, Rulk and max sig SW. Never had an issue with that nor have i ever been "carried". The point I'm trying to make is that balancing this game and life successfully is circumstantial. Some people can squeeze it in because they're self employed/ have less responsibilities than most people, and some people can't play it at all. I played and contributed to aw and aq but when life comes up i gotta do what i gotta do. Judging from how you attempt to represent a very real issue as miniscule, I'd say you probably don't have much of a life to sidetrack you from the game