Let Us Pick Our Profile Picture

I'm tired of seeing the same characters as profile pictures due to them having high prestige. And I'm also disappointed that I have to walk around with a champion as profile picture that I don't really like (but was forced to rank up cause it's a strong character).
Let us choose who we want as a profile picture in-game please.
Let us choose who we want as a profile picture in-game please.
Yes, you can, but it would take longer. It is nice to see the top champ right up front if you're searching for a duel target, though. However, I'd much rather pick my own profile picture champ too.
Yeah, but after you have a good attack team for AQ and a good secondary attack team for AW. And once you have a good enough defense for AW then rank ups to weaker champs like Phoenix or Carnage make more sense. On my main account I do that far more often than I would like.
lol, that's a bit funny. Actually, Quake is my highest too and I wish she wasn't my avatar as well. I've never had a dude call me sexy tho...