How bad is Colossus?

So obviously colossus is not even near the best charcter and some even consider him to be the worst. I would agree that he was for sure top 3 worst in the game but then today I got lucky. I pulled a 5 star omega red. I looked at his abilities and synergies and I saw the colossus one (something like + 20% attack rating for each armour up & parrys do armor ups) so I tested it out. With a 3/30 4 star sig 40 colossus the damage didn't seem bad when I was able to stack up armour ups. He didn't seem bad at all I was surprised. Do people know this synergy exist when making tier list or talking about needed bluffs? Cause the damage output wasn't bad. Use this synergy and test him out
Do you still think he is bad?
Do you still think he is bad?
I didn't change it as I want to see what other officers think abt it.
He's a god level defender on power start 1+power start 2+Minor aspect of death.
What can be better than that!?
He's literally the easiest fight ever. And there isn't a node that has power start one and two, instant sp3 would be a ridiculous node, even without aspect of death lol.
Remember the “oh so fun” EQ some time back with OGV as chapter one boss with power start 2? 😂
Yeah. Until people got around to learning how to fight him. But when Hood was just released, he absolutely massacred on that node.
Not to mention Cyclops on Thorns + Sp1 unblockable. I think it was node 23 or something. The one that goes to 43 Power gain 200% that absolutely was always a Magik.