Looking for 2, 7.9k prestige AQ 6 & 5’s. War rating 2400 floating, gold 1.

Hey guys we at EMPRO are looking for a couple of guys due to some members stepping down due to real life commitments. Donations are low due to the new cost of maps and we obtain decent rank rewards in AQ. More details on those can be asked if your interested for a chat. We are a sound bunch who have a wealth of knowledge. Organised but don’t kill count in war. We win and lose together. We are well established alliance with solid foundations with many members being here for many years. If you are thinking of stepping down then we could be for you as we have done for many others but also don’t under estimate the hungry wanting to step up. Message me on line: schmitrn for a chat. Required after aq finishes this week. Happy hunting for an alliance and look forward to having a chat
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