Looking for 2-3 Active players - HesIn

What we are looking for:
2-3 active players. Need @ min 8 4* at rank 4 so you can do AW and AQ. Also line is required. Must be able to handle map5-6. Preferably is rank 5 4* or rank 3-4 5* however at the rate that we do AQ we know you can get those ranks with us if you have at least 8 4* at rank 4.
About us:
alliance name is He's In our alliance tag is HesIn. Predominatly in the united states east and west coast however we are on all day and night long.
AQ: We run map5 x5 3BGs.
AW: Non stop 2 BGs
SA: Always reached
Item Use: 250 4* shards always reached
Completion : 250 4* shards always reached
Duels not required but recommended,
Donations = whatever we receive from AQ and however charitable you feel.
Contact us: message me or any officer in the alliance.
Thanks for looking
2-3 active players. Need @ min 8 4* at rank 4 so you can do AW and AQ. Also line is required. Must be able to handle map5-6. Preferably is rank 5 4* or rank 3-4 5* however at the rate that we do AQ we know you can get those ranks with us if you have at least 8 4* at rank 4.
About us:
alliance name is He's In our alliance tag is HesIn. Predominatly in the united states east and west coast however we are on all day and night long.
AQ: We run map5 x5 3BGs.
AW: Non stop 2 BGs
SA: Always reached
Item Use: 250 4* shards always reached
Completion : 250 4* shards always reached
Duels not required but recommended,
Donations = whatever we receive from AQ and however charitable you feel.
Contact us: message me or any officer in the alliance.
Thanks for looking
contact me asap