Can we get a buff in the works for my boy Gambit?

So I've been very impressed with Kabam's efforts as of late in bringing back champs that were either roster fodder or the outright memes of shame in this game, and breathing new life in them and making them either viable champs for certain scenarios, powerhouses that now have to be feared, or just plain old fun and appreciated to use when played with the right player. This is what brings me to Gambit. He's a very popular character, but he didn't quite hit the mark as being a constant go to in the game, even when he dropped. People got him, added him to their rosters, and moved on.
Now while he has shown that he can be useful in the most specific of circumstances, he's still relegated to most people's average tiers to this game and kept on the side as a character to use in arena. With many additions and innovations that this game has gone through, I think Gambit could be an easy buff for Kabam to take on since he doesn't need much and definitely doesn't need new animations because everything about his fighting style matches who he is and looks great. Here are my takes on what could very well make him more viable for use and become either a more dangerous champ to watch out for or at least more fun to use:
First off he needs to be able to charge his cards uninterrupted. Nebula is an awesome example of being able to hold and charge up for her shocks without being interrupted in any capacity. Given that a core component of trying to make Gambit hit harder is to get off the stacks of charges and how much time and effort it takes just to get him built up with the threat that one combo could easily take away that work means that he shouldn't have to have so much against him in terms of build up. Take away the interruption of his charges, leave the fold mechanic to at least keep the skill aspect of not allowing him to get hit, and also take away the slow down of charges so he can build up well enough and already he's a good damage dealer with a much more reliable method of play.
SP1 is great as is, don't touch it.
SP2 should allow him to Enervate the opponent instead of the Concussion it places. This makes him far more competitive for using more offensively without beginning to be too OP. Given his nature, being able to fight opponents without feeding into them would give him a degree of Power Control, though obviously this falls in line with his skill aspect of not taking damage.
SP3 should also drop the Paralyze it has since the time frame that it gives isn't really much in terms of doing anything in, and most players or nodes outright affect stun durations, which sometimes makes this rather flashy special useless. Instead allow it give him a long lasting rank scaling Cruelty buff starting at 15 seconds so that he can put out critical damage for a time in order to help end matches on or be more competitive for longer lasting matches to possibly get ahead with.
As for his signature ability, since most of everything is being moved that this sort of helps with but really isn't much in regards to him, he should now have a signature worth awakening. I suggest that to start, his charge cards increase from 10 to 15 for 5 extra charges, thus allowing him to overdrive somewhat (see below for cards suggestions) and opens up his ability to self heal since he does have that ability to a degree. In order to heal, he should sacrifice Prowess Buffs, giving him a sig level scaling amount of health back for each buff used. In order to heal, he'd have to activate the Prowess as normal since he should still be able to keep that for a special nuke of sorts, but rather while Prowess Buffs are up, he's unable to charge new cards until tapped out of the Prowess Buffs. By dashing back and holding block for about 1.5 seconds he'll use up a buff for the amount of health specified, continuing to use up buffs each 1.5 seconds to heal. The heal doesn't have to be much with lower levels, working somewhat like Bishop, but making him an option to sink signature stones into him because the higher the level, the better the heal.
The use of his charged cards should then be changed up a little bit given that while the added Ability Accuracy each charge gives pretty much means his specials will trigger their effects, trying to set up the Prowess special damage becomes much more of a chore given the small window of time. 10 seconds, other than immediately going into an SP3, doesn't give one the safe wiggle room to go in and safely hit with an SP1 or SP2 without sometimes messing up and making unnecessary mistakes. This is where things could be more interesting for him. Other than boosting the timer to cash in the cards into Prowess Buffs, now that he can reliably charge cards uninterrupted, you could also have him cash in off of specials as well.
Rather than giving Ability Accuracy for charges, instead allow the charges to help boost his attack or critical (or both if Kabam is feeling generous in this regard) rating to a degree, this way if you want to play for raw damage output without using the cards, this could be a great option for him. Remember, we're keeping the Fold mechanic, so he still needs to be played with some skill. Not only that, but the cash ins could be used as such: SP1 Stun chance goes up to 95% using 3 charges if available; SP2 steals active buffs on the opponent (got to be on your toes around this thief!) using 5 charges if available; SP3 Cruelty Buff is extended to 25 seconds and gains a True Strike buff for 15 seconds if there are at least 8 charges available; Prowess Buffs still can be activated off a heavy whenever any charges are up, working the same, just lasting hopefully now up to 15 seconds so he has a bit more room to set up any big special damage he wants to do.
Keep his flak jacket mechanic but instead of it being modified, let it stand at 25% health before lost so it's in the middle of his unawakened/awakened percentage and you at least know he can take a hit and less bleed for the first quarter of his health.
Now I'm sure people will be asking why did I add the heal and true strike in there. Well for starters Gambit is capable of healing himself in a small capacity ever since he dealt with his New Son version. His healing is based on his power itself and isn't so much ingrained like Wolverine's healing factor, which is why I tied it to him having to put a lot of effort into getting to that point. Since he can charge cards without interruption, he'd have to set up the Prowess Buffs and then charge the heals, hence it'd be a bit of work, but it'd fit him and make it a little bit of a nice option to have to help him out, especially since the heal would be based on signature level. The True Strike would be a thing from his tarot moments when he was blind. It's more of a nod to his history at that point and as stated, it'd have to come off of a SP3 with a high amount of charges. A viable option in comparison to others out there? Maybe, but it's a bit more added flair to him that could help him turn the tide of a match when fighting evade or auto block opponents while having to build up to that point.
Finally his synergies would have to be buffed as well. Leaving the ones he has, here are three additional ones that he could get with others that have been added:
Mr and Mrs LeBeau - Rogue
Gambit starts the fight with 5 charges and his True Strike buff active
Rogue's life steal and power steal are increased by 10%
Favor's Owed - Mister Sinister
Gambit gains Stun resist while his Flak Armor is still active, decreasing stun time by 50%
Mister Sinister places Power Leech at the start of the fight
Witness the Future - Bishop
Gambit's Prowess Buffs now do 25% special damage each
Bishop can now hold up to 40 stacks of Prowess before going into Overload
What do you all think? I think this would make him more of an offensive powerhouse, meant to go in for a fight and try to end quickly and pay more homage to the character's history without making too overbearingly powerful. He won't counter anyone exactly which makes him a great option to use in any fight with better options and modes to use him in.
Now while he has shown that he can be useful in the most specific of circumstances, he's still relegated to most people's average tiers to this game and kept on the side as a character to use in arena. With many additions and innovations that this game has gone through, I think Gambit could be an easy buff for Kabam to take on since he doesn't need much and definitely doesn't need new animations because everything about his fighting style matches who he is and looks great. Here are my takes on what could very well make him more viable for use and become either a more dangerous champ to watch out for or at least more fun to use:
First off he needs to be able to charge his cards uninterrupted. Nebula is an awesome example of being able to hold and charge up for her shocks without being interrupted in any capacity. Given that a core component of trying to make Gambit hit harder is to get off the stacks of charges and how much time and effort it takes just to get him built up with the threat that one combo could easily take away that work means that he shouldn't have to have so much against him in terms of build up. Take away the interruption of his charges, leave the fold mechanic to at least keep the skill aspect of not allowing him to get hit, and also take away the slow down of charges so he can build up well enough and already he's a good damage dealer with a much more reliable method of play.
SP1 is great as is, don't touch it.
SP2 should allow him to Enervate the opponent instead of the Concussion it places. This makes him far more competitive for using more offensively without beginning to be too OP. Given his nature, being able to fight opponents without feeding into them would give him a degree of Power Control, though obviously this falls in line with his skill aspect of not taking damage.
SP3 should also drop the Paralyze it has since the time frame that it gives isn't really much in terms of doing anything in, and most players or nodes outright affect stun durations, which sometimes makes this rather flashy special useless. Instead allow it give him a long lasting rank scaling Cruelty buff starting at 15 seconds so that he can put out critical damage for a time in order to help end matches on or be more competitive for longer lasting matches to possibly get ahead with.
As for his signature ability, since most of everything is being moved that this sort of helps with but really isn't much in regards to him, he should now have a signature worth awakening. I suggest that to start, his charge cards increase from 10 to 15 for 5 extra charges, thus allowing him to overdrive somewhat (see below for cards suggestions) and opens up his ability to self heal since he does have that ability to a degree. In order to heal, he should sacrifice Prowess Buffs, giving him a sig level scaling amount of health back for each buff used. In order to heal, he'd have to activate the Prowess as normal since he should still be able to keep that for a special nuke of sorts, but rather while Prowess Buffs are up, he's unable to charge new cards until tapped out of the Prowess Buffs. By dashing back and holding block for about 1.5 seconds he'll use up a buff for the amount of health specified, continuing to use up buffs each 1.5 seconds to heal. The heal doesn't have to be much with lower levels, working somewhat like Bishop, but making him an option to sink signature stones into him because the higher the level, the better the heal.
The use of his charged cards should then be changed up a little bit given that while the added Ability Accuracy each charge gives pretty much means his specials will trigger their effects, trying to set up the Prowess special damage becomes much more of a chore given the small window of time. 10 seconds, other than immediately going into an SP3, doesn't give one the safe wiggle room to go in and safely hit with an SP1 or SP2 without sometimes messing up and making unnecessary mistakes. This is where things could be more interesting for him. Other than boosting the timer to cash in the cards into Prowess Buffs, now that he can reliably charge cards uninterrupted, you could also have him cash in off of specials as well.
Rather than giving Ability Accuracy for charges, instead allow the charges to help boost his attack or critical (or both if Kabam is feeling generous in this regard) rating to a degree, this way if you want to play for raw damage output without using the cards, this could be a great option for him. Remember, we're keeping the Fold mechanic, so he still needs to be played with some skill. Not only that, but the cash ins could be used as such: SP1 Stun chance goes up to 95% using 3 charges if available; SP2 steals active buffs on the opponent (got to be on your toes around this thief!) using 5 charges if available; SP3 Cruelty Buff is extended to 25 seconds and gains a True Strike buff for 15 seconds if there are at least 8 charges available; Prowess Buffs still can be activated off a heavy whenever any charges are up, working the same, just lasting hopefully now up to 15 seconds so he has a bit more room to set up any big special damage he wants to do.
Keep his flak jacket mechanic but instead of it being modified, let it stand at 25% health before lost so it's in the middle of his unawakened/awakened percentage and you at least know he can take a hit and less bleed for the first quarter of his health.
Now I'm sure people will be asking why did I add the heal and true strike in there. Well for starters Gambit is capable of healing himself in a small capacity ever since he dealt with his New Son version. His healing is based on his power itself and isn't so much ingrained like Wolverine's healing factor, which is why I tied it to him having to put a lot of effort into getting to that point. Since he can charge cards without interruption, he'd have to set up the Prowess Buffs and then charge the heals, hence it'd be a bit of work, but it'd fit him and make it a little bit of a nice option to have to help him out, especially since the heal would be based on signature level. The True Strike would be a thing from his tarot moments when he was blind. It's more of a nod to his history at that point and as stated, it'd have to come off of a SP3 with a high amount of charges. A viable option in comparison to others out there? Maybe, but it's a bit more added flair to him that could help him turn the tide of a match when fighting evade or auto block opponents while having to build up to that point.
Finally his synergies would have to be buffed as well. Leaving the ones he has, here are three additional ones that he could get with others that have been added:
Mr and Mrs LeBeau - Rogue
Gambit starts the fight with 5 charges and his True Strike buff active
Rogue's life steal and power steal are increased by 10%
Favor's Owed - Mister Sinister
Gambit gains Stun resist while his Flak Armor is still active, decreasing stun time by 50%
Mister Sinister places Power Leech at the start of the fight
Witness the Future - Bishop
Gambit's Prowess Buffs now do 25% special damage each
Bishop can now hold up to 40 stacks of Prowess before going into Overload
What do you all think? I think this would make him more of an offensive powerhouse, meant to go in for a fight and try to end quickly and pay more homage to the character's history without making too overbearingly powerful. He won't counter anyone exactly which makes him a great option to use in any fight with better options and modes to use him in.
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