Recent Ghost phasing intercept bug?

To all Ghost players out there

Recently I’ve been facing issues with my ghost being parried while I’m intercepting (usually after opponent’s one or two hits) during phasing. Didn’t counter this issue as often (or almost zero) but recently it’s been happening like almost every once in two fights in aw.

I decided to post a thread here after checking with my alliance mates and friends who are playing ghost and found out that they are also facing the same issue.

Thus, I want to reach out to all the ghost players in MCOC to see if everyone is also facing the same issue recently.

If yes, then maybe kabam can explain how we ghost players gonna overcome this. I personally don’t think it’s a mistake (we all will make certain mistakes and I’m fine if it’s a mistake) as I can’t think of any possible moves or precautions I can make to overcome this. I think it’s important that kabam addresses this issue as it has been causing unnecessary DKs in aw (as you all know certain nodes are able to punish you with DK with just one mistake)

I’ve videos showing this issue to prove my case but I’m not sure how to post here.



  • PrøtégéPrøtégé Member Posts: 9
    Was there a change in AI play style that was not brought to light? Playing ghost, I’ve noticed the AI dodging and parrying after a missed attack from ghost’s phase ability. This causes ghost’s ability to become irrelevant as you can’t counter the defender’s attack and use her ability the way it was meant to be used. Can someone provide an explanation to the matter? Seems to me that she just got nerfed without the information being provided to the community. Did we just waste our rank up materials on her? Never thought she was OP as it takes a certain playstyle to use her.
  • FactorQFactorQ Member Posts: 110
    I have noticed this too. The speed of the AI has increased to allow it to block/evade more quickly when missing an attack, whereas before you could reliably counter the second miss.
  • PrøtégéPrøtégé Member Posts: 9

    Im waiting for the "get gud" post

    It’s not about being good or bad at the playing ghost. it’s about changing something without notifying the community about the adjustment of a certain game mechanic. I’m sure people who has ghost will notice this change and will think that using rank up items on her was a giant waste as she can’t be as reliable in the competitive nature of the game (Alliance war and quest).
  • Supremeguy95Supremeguy95 Member Posts: 447 ★★
    Sometimes the AI keeps dashing back to wait out the phase timer. Happens to me all the time. Very annoying.
  • RektorRektor Member Posts: 678 ★★★
    It’s happening to everyone since the update.

    AI is evading, blocking, parrying like a human being when ghost attacks them from a phase. Especially after their second missed hit.

    Every ghost player can confirm this.
  • UppercutUppercut Member Posts: 158
    I’ve noticed the issue right after upgrade on latest version on iOS.

    AI now parries and triggers dexterity when I’m about to hit them after their miss. It was not the case before update and my timing didn’t change, it’s not possible to hit them faster so could be related to AI change or just their animation is allowing them to parry or use dexterity now. How is AI moving all the way back when I’m about to hit them suddenly or used parry? There is no window to start a combo after phasing.
  • Sanctuary555Sanctuary555 Member Posts: 28
    Kenny292 said:

    I’ve noticed this also, not only getting blocked but sometimes they even dash back. It’s like they sped up the AI’s reaction time to make Ghost’s timing harder.

    Yes, I’ve got videos proving this also. Thanks for bringing this up too as I’ve forgot to mention it in my previous post
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  • SungjSungj Member Posts: 2,117 ★★★★★
    Who were you fighting I've learned against some champions to only let them hit once into my phase to avoid any possible parries or mis times
  • Sanctuary555Sanctuary555 Member Posts: 28
    Sungj said:

    Who were you fighting I've learned against some champions to only let them hit once into my phase to avoid any possible parries or mis times

    I was fighting km, my friend sabertooth and korg, my alliance mate Medusa. Actually quite a number of other champs actually, but I only have videos of the above to proof
  • hiddenblizzardhiddenblizzard Member Posts: 506 ★★
    I was ghosting as usual when after 2 hits the opponents dashed back when I tried to attack
  • Strikerrx8Strikerrx8 Member Posts: 1,090 ★★★
    I notice that nick fury hit me while phasing
  • Marlo_Mike33Marlo_Mike33 Member Posts: 193
    edited March 2019
    Yeah as far as I've noticed they always tried to play against my champs abilities ( not attacking into Bishop so I can get parries and build charges, waiting on concussion timer to expire so I can't stack them with Taskmaster, etc...) I didnt think it was anything new
  • Iron_spider1Iron_spider1 Member Posts: 272
    I thought it was just me. Glad to know that’s not true. The AI behaviour is very annoying. It’s like an indirect nerf to ghost, considering we don’t get power from second miss, because the AI is too fast we would have to attack right after the first miss.
  • DrAwkwardPhDDrAwkwardPhD Member Posts: 234 ★★
    I have only had Ghost for a little over a month now, but noticed the change this morning. It’s quite drastic, actually. Hate to use the term “silent nerf”, but this instance seems applicable.
  • AdiMukh555AdiMukh555 Member Posts: 756 ★★★
    I've noticed it too in Nick Fury's recon eq
  • roberto94roberto94 Member Posts: 779 ★★
    Yah me too, also noticed that AI is backing away during my Ghost’s phase to buy enough time to let the phase timer vanish.
  • Mike12867Mike12867 Member Posts: 477 ★★★
    Try this guys:

    1. Start fight - Phase 3 misses retaliate
    2. Phase - 1 miss retaliate
    3. Phase - 2 miss retaliate
    4. Phase - Dont miss but parry and retaliate

    Try to get the AI scrambled and see if that changes things. I will be practicing this and putting out a vid soon. This is the reason why in my guide I mentioned mixup between 4-hit phase / 2-hit phase etc. to keep the AI scrambled
  • DrAwkwardPhDDrAwkwardPhD Member Posts: 234 ★★
    Right before Act 6 comes out, too. Interesting.
  • OrcDovahkiinOrcDovahkiin Member Posts: 323
    RIP ghost, she is my first 4/55 lol
  • weapon_xweapon_x Member Posts: 29
    This is a serious nerf if not a bug. Please look into this as soon as possible Kabam. I can confirm she is not working as she used to before this update. Parry and dexterity when she’s phasing and trying to attack after miss
  • BboychoboBboychobo Member Posts: 249 ★★
    yesterday after update the my usual ghost play was off as well... wtf .. silent nerf or another bug
  • UppercutUppercut Member Posts: 158
    edited March 2019
    It’s interesting that Ghost stopped working as intended at the same time Nick Fury (countering miss) and Captain Marvel (armor break that prevent phasing) were released
  • StarKillerVIIStarKillerVII Member Posts: 75
    Yeah I’ve noticed this too and I don’t even have ghost. Just noticed the A.I. has become more defensive and annoying
  • Sanctuary555Sanctuary555 Member Posts: 28

    Was there a change in AI play style that was not brought to light? Playing ghost, I’ve noticed the AI dodging and parrying after a missed attack from ghost’s phase ability. This causes ghost’s ability to become irrelevant as you can’t counter the defender’s attack and use her ability the way it was meant to be used. Can someone provide an explanation to the matter? Seems to me that she just got nerfed without the information being provided to the community. Did we just waste our rank up materials on her? Never thought she was OP as it takes a certain playstyle to use her.

    Yes, I think this is definitely the case. I’ve started another thread on this calling for all ghost players to comment
  • Sanctuary555Sanctuary555 Member Posts: 28

    Im waiting for the "get gud" post

    It’s not about being good or bad at the playing ghost. it’s about changing something without notifying the community about the adjustment of a certain game mechanic. I’m sure people who has ghost will notice this change and will think that using rank up items on her was a giant waste as she can’t be as reliable in the competitive nature of the game (Alliance war and quest).

    Agreed. This type of changes should be brought forward to the community and not done silently. I have to cause my alliance a DK in AW to find out after reviewing my video. Initially I still thought I’ve made a mistake
  • Sanctuary555Sanctuary555 Member Posts: 28

    I thought it was just me. Glad to know that’s not true. The AI behaviour is very annoying. It’s like an indirect nerf to ghost, considering we don’t get power from second miss, because the AI is too fast we would have to attack right after the first miss.

    I’ve another video proving that even after only one miss will also be blocked and parried. So my question to kabam is how do we ghost players counter after these changes to AI? One miss, two miss or three? There must be a logic to it so that we can train for it, not randomly the AI can do what they like and we are helpless against it. So we are in a fight or luck now rather than skills?
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