Sorry to hear you're having issues. There certainly can be a multitude of reasons for this, from using an older device that's not supported, having multiple apps running in the background, to possible compatibility issues with the game.
To help us help you, please post detailed information including Device Model, OS version, Game version, and what you're experiencing in one of the threads already open on this topic in the Bug Reporting section of the forums. The more helpful information you can provide, the more likely our QA team is to be able to narrow down the cause, and find a quicker solution if it is, in fact, something that can be fixed with future game updates!
what device do u use
It starts with "A" and ends with "ndroid".
To help us help you, please post detailed information including Device Model, OS version, Game version, and what you're experiencing in one of the threads already open on this topic in the Bug Reporting section of the forums. The more helpful information you can provide, the more likely our QA team is to be able to narrow down the cause, and find a quicker solution if it is, in fact, something that can be fixed with future game updates!