List of passive damage over time?

I just pulled a Ghulk and I was wondering if there was a list of enemies/nodes that trigger face me (passive damage over time). So far all I know about is Magik's limbo and Mephisto's AoI
Edit: If Hulk Rag is Bleed Immune, for whatever reason, VtD's Passive Degen should activate it.
- Critical Failure (Domino);
- Starburst node;
- Dormammu's and Mr. Sinister Degeneration;
- 10+ Death Spores (Omega Red);
- Limbo (Magik);
- Aura of incineration (Mephisto);
- Passive Bleed's (Nick Fury, Goldpool synergy), Passive Shock's (Node, from the Variant and the current monthly UC difficulty), and any passive of these that might also appear in the future;
- Plasma (IW Iron Man);
-Quakes heavy
-Dormammus degen
-Mephistos fire aura
-Magiks limbo
-Dominos critical failure
-Starburst node
-That passive shock node from variant 3.3 and this months UC EQ Ronan
-Omega reds death field and spores
-Havoks plasma detonation
-Haven't tried it but i assume IMIW's plasma
-Should also work in some of the nodes in act 6 as they are said to be passive degen
I'm sure there is more but that's the ones i know