Plat 3, 6x5 top 100 alliance looking for 2-3 players

About us:
(NxTP1) Untainted - TP1
~21 mil rated
War: plat 3, tiers 3/4
AQ: 6x5 100%, top 100 weekly rank
North American players
No event mins
What we’re looking for:
- 2-3 skilled players. Preference to those capable of middle war paths.
- North American timezone to match our own
- prestige at or above 8500
- Map 6 ready
- Roster to handle Wars and AQ successfully
If interested, please pm me on:
CHQ: •The Ricktator•#iTve
Line: rickthemang
(NxTP1) Untainted - TP1
~21 mil rated
War: plat 3, tiers 3/4
AQ: 6x5 100%, top 100 weekly rank
North American players
No event mins
What we’re looking for:
- 2-3 skilled players. Preference to those capable of middle war paths.
- North American timezone to match our own
- prestige at or above 8500
- Map 6 ready
- Roster to handle Wars and AQ successfully
If interested, please pm me on:
CHQ: •The Ricktator•#iTve
Line: rickthemang