Premium Crystal issue

I think you should always have an equal chance of getting a 2 3 and 4 star in premium crystals.Sometimes to me and others we feel we saved up so long and then we get ripped off by getting a 2 star. Thank you.
No, you don't need a boost, head start or any other special treatment. You build your champions up like everyone else in the game has. Either with money or time.
Progression can be slow when you are starting in this game, but if you like it keep playing. Eventually you are gonna start accumulating better rewards and acquiring more 4* champs. You can't have everything handed to you so easy on a silver platter; the game will get boring very fast. Patience is the key.
Yeah you're right man. Because the points that begginers players need to take 10% rewards are about 600k. In intermediate (after 1 month played) we need about 1,2kk of points (1,200,000). However in Veteran is a Terrible amount of points. 5 million (2 months played)