5 Star Champions - Availability and Upgrade Request

Hi, I'd like to propose some updates to the availability and rank up material availability for 5 stars.
Below are some suggestions, many that I first heard from Prof Hoff:
Lower the cost of 5 star hero and 5 star featured hero crystals. My suggestion would be to cut these in half (5k and 7.5k)
Offer ways to get 5* awakening gem crystal shards.
Offer ways to get 5* Rank up gem crystal shards.
Introduce an Uncollected Solo Crystal that has 5* sig stones and awakening gems (like the greater solo crystal has 4* ones)
Introduce a T5B daily event quest for shards.
Introduce a 5* Basic Arena
Introduce a Sunday Gold Rush Arena
Below are some suggestions, many that I first heard from Prof Hoff:
Lower the cost of 5 star hero and 5 star featured hero crystals. My suggestion would be to cut these in half (5k and 7.5k)
Offer ways to get 5* awakening gem crystal shards.
Offer ways to get 5* Rank up gem crystal shards.
Introduce an Uncollected Solo Crystal that has 5* sig stones and awakening gems (like the greater solo crystal has 4* ones)
Introduce a T5B daily event quest for shards.
Introduce a 5* Basic Arena
Introduce a Sunday Gold Rush Arena
If you make them more accessible in new content it would solve the problem of people just finishing it getting double the champs.
1. 5* champs are relatively easy to get! I average one, maybe even two 5* champs a month, without spending money on the game. There is no reason to lower the requirements necessary to obtain something that isnt too dificult to obtain. Granted, I am able to beat uncollected EQ's, but that didnt come with handouts or favors from kabam, and i sure has Hell didn't buy my way to this level. It takes a while, but its something we all did.
2. Everything listed after lowering the cost of shards per 5* crystal is the main source of revenue for kabam from this game. By making these items much more accessible to us, it lowers their revenue and dries us their wallets. They have no incentive to do this, despite how awesome it would be for us to get more of those items, even if it would take a while to obtain them.