Suggesting for purchasable mastery profiles

I'd like to suggest that you build a purchasable mastery "profile". This would work as follows.
You have your default mastery setup, it should be possible to rename this to whatever you wanted, similar to your in-game name.
You could then add the option of purchasing 1, 2, 3 or 4 extra profiles, say for I.E. 500 units. Then you get an extra clean mastery profile, with the amount of unlocked items you already have.
You would be able to move back and forth doing and undoing your masteries, without any spendings, how ever when you are done I.E. with your PvP masteries, LOL or defender masteries you would press commit. Now you spend the amount of gold and units your would normally for the setup. Then you would have the option of renaming this profile to I.E. PvP , LOL or defender and more.
Everytime you change profiles you would have to pay the amount for these changes or eventually full amount for every mastery.
I think this would be an welcome change for many players and would also be in-line with your wishes to further your profits on the game.
Feedback welcome.
You have your default mastery setup, it should be possible to rename this to whatever you wanted, similar to your in-game name.
You could then add the option of purchasing 1, 2, 3 or 4 extra profiles, say for I.E. 500 units. Then you get an extra clean mastery profile, with the amount of unlocked items you already have.
You would be able to move back and forth doing and undoing your masteries, without any spendings, how ever when you are done I.E. with your PvP masteries, LOL or defender masteries you would press commit. Now you spend the amount of gold and units your would normally for the setup. Then you would have the option of renaming this profile to I.E. PvP , LOL or defender and more.
Everytime you change profiles you would have to pay the amount for these changes or eventually full amount for every mastery.
I think this would be an welcome change for many players and would also be in-line with your wishes to further your profits on the game.
Feedback welcome.