Impossible synergies - working as intended, Kabam? Does this make really make sense to you?

I'd like to ask about impossible (read unavailable) synergies, as they are now more relevant than ever and they recently got a little too literal.
So, there are many synergies now in the game, that are very hard to come by and that makes their purpose really questionable because why would anyone create game mechanics that is obviously not intended to work EVER? I have one example that has been relevant for a VERY long time now: OG Deadpool. This particular champs was not available in Contest for years and he does not exist at all beyond his 3* version. That itself says a lot but that's not even the point here. You created Deadpool total ****, which is by the way one of your lowest moments, congratulations, so I wouldn't care to have him even 6* (in the end, X-pool is considered one of the worst possible pulls from 6* crystal - congratulations again) but what I care about is you actually did created one very good champion there some time ago - one of the very best even. Domino. And then you gave her - for some reason - synergy with this particular champion - OG Deadpool and it is one of the very best synergies she has - I mean 10% attack boost is not irrelevant, considering her far above average damage output, is it?
So now, doesn't it bother you only a little bit, that there are players, who never EVER got the chance to activate this synergy? We are talking synergy that comes with a price here - you have to bring useless 3* champ but still. You created that synergy. But not really, right? If this does make ANY sense, please, enlighten us, I beg you.
And now due to the very recent events this problem is deepening. Im of course talking about 4* champions ban in Story quest. Forget Deadpool, are you even aware how many synergies does this ban kills for good? I'm not talking synergies that are slightly harder to come by now based on your luck with 5* pulls, I'm talking the ones that are near impossible or totally impossible to get right now.
Scarlett Witch synergies. Wolverine synergies. Dr.Strange synergies. Thor synergies. No more. For those who didn't spend their rent for Vision, there goes another synergies. Same for Electro. Almost impossible synergies with Gamora and Black Bolt since they both for no reason at all don't even exist 5*. This ban combined with now totally outdated 5* exclusivity of some other key champions mentioned above really affected (negatively of course, that's your only way obviously) dozens of champions now. I'm not exaggerating.. You literally started to crippling the game instead of making it better, do you even see that?
So simply put, could you please explain how does this make sense? Creating content and then do whatever you can to make it actually unusable for players? I'd be happy to hear it.
I'd like to ask about impossible (read unavailable) synergies, as they are now more relevant than ever and they recently got a little too literal.
So, there are many synergies now in the game, that are very hard to come by and that makes their purpose really questionable because why would anyone create game mechanics that is obviously not intended to work EVER? I have one example that has been relevant for a VERY long time now: OG Deadpool. This particular champs was not available in Contest for years and he does not exist at all beyond his 3* version. That itself says a lot but that's not even the point here. You created Deadpool total ****, which is by the way one of your lowest moments, congratulations, so I wouldn't care to have him even 6* (in the end, X-pool is considered one of the worst possible pulls from 6* crystal - congratulations again) but what I care about is you actually did created one very good champion there some time ago - one of the very best even. Domino. And then you gave her - for some reason - synergy with this particular champion - OG Deadpool and it is one of the very best synergies she has - I mean 10% attack boost is not irrelevant, considering her far above average damage output, is it?
So now, doesn't it bother you only a little bit, that there are players, who never EVER got the chance to activate this synergy? We are talking synergy that comes with a price here - you have to bring useless 3* champ but still. You created that synergy. But not really, right? If this does make ANY sense, please, enlighten us, I beg you.
And now due to the very recent events this problem is deepening. Im of course talking about 4* champions ban in Story quest. Forget Deadpool, are you even aware how many synergies does this ban kills for good? I'm not talking synergies that are slightly harder to come by now based on your luck with 5* pulls, I'm talking the ones that are near impossible or totally impossible to get right now.
Scarlett Witch synergies. Wolverine synergies. Dr.Strange synergies. Thor synergies. No more. For those who didn't spend their rent for Vision, there goes another synergies. Same for Electro. Almost impossible synergies with Gamora and Black Bolt since they both for no reason at all don't even exist 5*. This ban combined with now totally outdated 5* exclusivity of some other key champions mentioned above really affected (negatively of course, that's your only way obviously) dozens of champions now. I'm not exaggerating.. You literally started to crippling the game instead of making it better, do you even see that?
So simply put, could you please explain how does this make sense? Creating content and then do whatever you can to make it actually unusable for players? I'd be happy to hear it.
The champions exist. The sinergies aren't impossible due to the fact that they are possible.
That's your answer.