I need advice

I need advice.
For def. I have mordo,bpcw,electro,nc,and yj
For aw offense I have SW,Wolvie,and punisher
My alliance is small so we do map2 all the time so my attackers are the same in aw and aq. Would you leave it as is? Or make some changes?
Should have been the second pic lol
Even if he averages 4-5 kills per war? And I really like using pun he's amazing against Spidey.
He won't get that many kills for long. My guess is you are at a lower tier (tier 12 or lower) and once you move into tier 10 or higher people are generally a lot better at fighting.
He's 4/40. I don't have the cc to take him to 5/50. I'll switch him with nc.
My alliance is tier 16 lol
Here's that ss
Is it a miniboss if it isn't linked?? Electro is gonna be my next r4 unless I dupe Thor or storm. Im not sure yet. I have a while before I have enough gold, iso, and catalysts to get him to 4/40.
Yeah but in his tier it doesn't. Look at the picture, it's not linked, so by your own definition 52 isn't a miniboss. (I would personally still call 49, 52 and 53 the minibosses, but technically in the lower tiers they aren't.)
Guilly is way to easy to beat. At his tier the chances of facing a duped BW make Electro a way better choice.