5*Thor Ragnarok is the best Champ in MCOC

Any specific reason most top players in GLOBAL switch to 5*Thor Ragnarok ?
Is 5*Thor Ragnarok the best Champs in MCOC ?
Is 5*Thor Ragnarok the best Champs in MCOC ?
Rags is solid, but not brilliant by himself. He needs synergies and Awakening to be brilliant (remind you of anyone?), which isn't an unusual feature these days.
Awakened, with either Hulk, his damage ability is really impressive; and uses Shock to deliver a lot of it, which still very few champs are immune to. Not to mention decent base health, attack and crits.
Sure, his crouching animation is a bit off-putting at first; and the damage cap on his SP3 is unusual; but his ability to generate Power alone is enough to explain why that's necessary; as you can easily fire off two SP3s in ten seconds. And that Hulk synergy, though? Love it!
But the rank rewards you get in AQ are based on prestige: the higher your alliance's total prestige is, the harder the maps you get and the more points you get and thus the higher your weekly rank will be. Those rewards at the top are also very good. The highest players in the game are probably ranking things up for everything: war attackers, war defenders, AQ Map 7 attackers, Variant and Act 6 champions, AND to maximize their prestige whether they use the champ or not.
Thor Ragnarok has very high prestige relative to other champions (different champs have different prestige even when ranked to the same level). If a player ranks up a bunch of champs for different reasons and they have a lot of 5/65 champs, the four champs with the highest prestige will show up in their profile even if they have dozens of 5/65s. And the one at the top will be the highest champ. That's why Thor Ragnarok shows up a lot. A lot of high tier players rank him up to boost their prestige, and anyone who does will likely have him show up in their profile, specifically because he has such high prestige. Those guys could have lots of other 5/65 champs they like much better than Thor Ragnarok, but you aren't going to see them.
With synergies he's also a great deal stronger, and he has several good ones with both hulks and his siblings among others. Add in Heimdall who also has some awesome synergies too.