Help on 5.1.6

MikePendragonMikePendragon Member Posts: 83
So I'm currently stuck on 5.1.6. I keep trying the short path and get about to Gwennie or just past her and my team's almost all dead. Should I try a longer path instead? My team currently consists of 4* 5/50 S. Spidey max sig, 5/50 AA high sig, 5/31 duped Venom ( I just opened a 5 star Venom that I'm planning on leveling), 5* 3/45 Doctor Voodoo and 5* 3/45 Darkhawk. I'm posting a good chunk of my roster so you guys can give me advice on who might make it easier for me. And who might make my path to the Collector less aggravating?

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