My Alliance suddenly lost 400k war points overnight

Yesterday I woke up to find that suddenly my Alliance's rank has gone from 138 to 2817 in Silver3.
When I checked the pts, it was 1,261,627 before and 861,627 now.
A thing I don't understand is how they deducted points without any information and I have contacted Kabam support 3 times, they just reply that we are experiencing a large number of contacts regarding the same issue and close my case.
Now we were recently promoted to Tier13 and along with that we are now playing in new Intermediate Map for first time, that only makes the things difficult for us.
The season is ending in 5 days and we are really pissed off on what Kabaam has done.
We usually play 2BGs with around 20 participants and our alliance rating is not very high, somewhere around 1.4 million, while most of the other alliances are above 3million. Is this the reason you guys thought that we were cheating or using some kind of hack.
I don't understand why we have been penalized.
So, @KabamMiike, Please let us know what's the matter because it really hurts a lot when we worked seriously hard to get in Silver in our 2nd season only and that too with low PI.
Aliiance Name: Nightcrawler's Nightmare [4057]
Profile Name: ap4057
When I checked the pts, it was 1,261,627 before and 861,627 now.
A thing I don't understand is how they deducted points without any information and I have contacted Kabam support 3 times, they just reply that we are experiencing a large number of contacts regarding the same issue and close my case.
Now we were recently promoted to Tier13 and along with that we are now playing in new Intermediate Map for first time, that only makes the things difficult for us.
The season is ending in 5 days and we are really pissed off on what Kabaam has done.
We usually play 2BGs with around 20 participants and our alliance rating is not very high, somewhere around 1.4 million, while most of the other alliances are above 3million. Is this the reason you guys thought that we were cheating or using some kind of hack.
I don't understand why we have been penalized.
So, @KabamMiike, Please let us know what's the matter because it really hurts a lot when we worked seriously hard to get in Silver in our 2nd season only and that too with low PI.
Aliiance Name: Nightcrawler's Nightmare [4057]
Profile Name: ap4057
This discussion has been closed.
Especially if you or the people in your alliance have their social media, Google play, apple stores to their accounts and then they know a lot of information about you.
They know your devices, they know who is assessing your account and where, and much much more.
If you were docked someone in your alliance is lying and hacking wars, and piloting and they got caught and they are in crackdown mode right now as the season draws to a close someone undid your hard work.
You can say otherwise all you want but the fact is they know more about you and your members then you do, you should really read their terms of service and policies they have it will answer a lot more.
They can't and won't help you infact they will close this soon, find out who the hacker or account sharer is and remove them won't change anything but at least you won't get hit again.
Another fact is that our war rating has not changed and so has our tier(13) and also now we are fighting for first time in Intermediate Bracket matched with a much harder ally. If they reduced our points then they should have also reduced the above mentioned things.
Now, I don't know which player to blame to for doing whatever Kabam things was wrong and that he is still present in our Alliance.
Now the season is ending and we are in a mess. I am searching for a new alliance after this season.
From 138 in S3 to 200s in B1.
Kabam won't be much help nor will support, we had a similar issue a few seasons ago early on and it was due to the fact we had 2-3 new people join and after ruling everyone else out we focused on those ones and we kicked them.
After we removed them kabam indicated in kabamnese that they hacked during the war and account sharing was involved as well so our investigation was right after that we never got docked again.
What's funny was that it wasn't even an important path or boss, it's really stupid what some people will do.
There was a new member who joined us a week ago and she was the MVP#1 in the last war after which we were demoted.
But literally we defeated that alliance by a huge margin, we had 124k+ 50k points and they had only 26k. But still KABAMMED..