Unduped Corvus or Duped Hyperion to 5/65 first

Who is a better rank up for current state of Game, my options are as stated above. also I can rank 4 my 5* unduped Ghost, Omega Red or Ghost Rider...
Corvus would help you beat content easier...
I have both Hyp and Corvus as 5 stars, rank 4 and rank 5 and CG is more common in higher tiers AW. He absolutely tears it up. CG also tears up Variant and Act 6, though some predicted that he wouldn't. I see Hyp more in AQ and he is one of the best champs there with his damage, poison immunity, and regen. Hyp's furies feed MD and so it can be somewhat problematic in AW against mystic champs. Three great choices and you can't go wrong with any of them!
(take this with a grain of salt though; I'm not at the point where I'm worrying about 5/65 choices)
There are my current Champs
He has some immunities, short ramp up time, and great damage.