So i started like 2 hours ago

Hi all, I started a little while ago, my ign is goosey boy and well ye. Any advice on pvp or progression? And also are the crystal stash worth it? It seems pretty damn hard to earn units. And finally, are the dead pool deals worth it? Any advice greatly appreciated.
Do story quests and try to level up quick, so you can unlock event quests and do this month's event quest before it expires.
As for the DP deal, i can't remember what's in it besides deadpool, but if you want deadpool then buy it, because you'll never get the chance to get the red deadpool again.
Also, follow Dork Lessons on YouTube, he has great tutorials and videos:
A great mastery guide to read, so you know what each mastery does and it gives some example setups:
The fastest way to level up is doing story mode (gives more XP then monthly quest), you'll get a decent amount of gold, ISO and units to start out. Save your units for masteries, don't buy hero crystals. Do what you can in the arena for milestones which gives units and gold (the 3* champ arena is free)..If you want the Red Deadpool, I suggest you buy one of the unit deals that offers him since that is the only way to get him.
@PeterQuill is right...everything about this game is a gamble, just do your best to not get sucked in too deep!
Join an active alliance as soon as possible for extra rewards and modes of game play.
It has been fun to start all over with having played for about 9 months on my main account
Ever since 2016, I have been tempted everyday by offers, and they are only a fingerprint scan away. I spent hundreds, not worth it. I progresssed further just by being F2P. By turning off in app purchases I stopped buying stupid offers even when I didn’t want to, and started enjoying the game more,