Does my War Multiplier/Tier has to do something with my War Map??

My alliance is in Tier 14and we have been matched in Intermediate Map for 2nd time straight.
At first we thought that it is because Wars work same as Arenas where we have brackets depending on Experience.
But recently I check MCOC guides and found that the Map is decided on our War Multiplier and according to it,it should be Normal.
Last time we lost our first Intermediate Map War because the other alliance was pretty strong for us and the nodes were much complicated and bosses were highly buffed, with so many confusing paths.
Now that we are again put up in Intermediate Map, some of my alliance-mates are refusing to participate saying that they will not block their best champs when we are set to lose.
So @KabamMiike will you please inform us how our Alliance match and map are decided.
At first we thought that it is because Wars work same as Arenas where we have brackets depending on Experience.
But recently I check MCOC guides and found that the Map is decided on our War Multiplier and according to it,it should be Normal.
Last time we lost our first Intermediate Map War because the other alliance was pretty strong for us and the nodes were much complicated and bosses were highly buffed, with so many confusing paths.
Now that we are again put up in Intermediate Map, some of my alliance-mates are refusing to participate saying that they will not block their best champs when we are set to lose.
So @KabamMiike will you please inform us how our Alliance match and map are decided.