AQ focused 70+ mil ally looking for 5

Currently have 2 BGs running map 55554 while bg just does its own thing but looking for 5 solid guys to come in and run map 4 with me in BG3. Currently earning 70 + mill running 2 BGs in AQ. With the 5 people needed we can run 554 earning well over 80-90 mill.
AW is optional and run mostly when AQ isn’t running. Spent last 5-6 seasons in mid to high gold 3.
If this sounds like a place for you than I’d be glad to talk. Line ID Jestr54.
AW is optional and run mostly when AQ isn’t running. Spent last 5-6 seasons in mid to high gold 3.
If this sounds like a place for you than I’d be glad to talk. Line ID Jestr54.
Preferably someone who can handle Map 4-5 easily.
We’ll be earning some sweet easy AQ rewards