How about some Customization?

Okay, let's all just admit it's fun to make stuff. Whether you do it from scratch, or you just change up an existing idea, customizing things is fun to do. I'd love to see this in the Contest. Here's what I mean:
When designing a character, you probably go through several different animation ideas for attacks, right? Just make those other attacks available to buy for a small chunk of units! Even as a rare spender on video games of any sort, I know I'd be tempted to open up my wallet a bit if I could make Hulk slam you around like he did to Loki for his Special Attack 3. You've changed Special Attacks, Heavy Attacks, and fighting styles before on characters like Winter Soldier, Iron Fist, and Rhino. Just leave them available. It would be a bit complex to implement, but it could earn you guys at Kabam some money, and you seem to be pretty good at programming complex things, hence the Mastery system and the Flat Rate system and etc etc. I'd greatly appreciate if you would give it a shot!
What do you guys think? Anyone have comments? Thanks for reading!
When designing a character, you probably go through several different animation ideas for attacks, right? Just make those other attacks available to buy for a small chunk of units! Even as a rare spender on video games of any sort, I know I'd be tempted to open up my wallet a bit if I could make Hulk slam you around like he did to Loki for his Special Attack 3. You've changed Special Attacks, Heavy Attacks, and fighting styles before on characters like Winter Soldier, Iron Fist, and Rhino. Just leave them available. It would be a bit complex to implement, but it could earn you guys at Kabam some money, and you seem to be pretty good at programming complex things, hence the Mastery system and the Flat Rate system and etc etc. I'd greatly appreciate if you would give it a shot!
What do you guys think? Anyone have comments? Thanks for reading!
Amazing idea! This game would be much more fun to play like that! After you unlock all masteries and do all the quest there is no much left to aim for since LOL is unthinkable for 90 percent of the community!
Exactly. The game-play would be so much more fun if you got to choose how it worked. I think that Iron Man is awesome, but he's poorly represented in this game. It would be sick if I could make his Special Attack 3 be where he lifts off slightly, then reveals all of his missiles and rocket launchers and stuff from his shoulders and arms before unloading. Of course, in some instances, the programming would need to be changed so that it could inflict a status effect of some sort, but that wouldn't be too hard to accomplish. Just a basic "either/or" variable in the programming would allow SP moves to be switched, causing damage output and other effects to be switched.
Yes, this is what I was going for. If Ghost Rider breathes fire for one SP2, but wraps his chain around your neck and clobbers you for another, Incinerate should only be in effect for the first.
I wish it was, but no I don't think this happens. I want this implemented badly. It would make the game so much more fun.
Yeah, SW should do something like lift the enemy up with energy then shoot them off to the side.
Hulk: Make his SP2 clap be a heavy attack option. Change his SP2 to be him grabbing your foot, picking you up, and throwing you.
Black Panther (both): An SP3 option would be for him to slash the enemy's face, duck under a swing from them, uppercut them, dodge another swing, elbow them, swipe their feet out with a kick, then smash their face in with a punch, sending them flying.
Thor: An SP3 option where he smacks them down on the ground, lays him hammer on their chest like he did to Loki in the movies, and proceed to clobber their face.
Punisher: An SP1/2 option where he rolls a grenade at them, which explodes, launching them towards his fist, at which point they fly back to the wall.
It would be AWESOME if we could switch up the animations every now and then! I'm pretty sure even the game team would love to be able to make new animations from time to time.
(When Old Man Logan first came out, I thought his Special 3 attack would be different from Wolverine's attack and I purposely held off on using it because I wanted to be surprised when I finally did see it (I play games like that with myself) and then one day when I was fighting against OML, the AI used his special 3 against me and I was so disappointed. Would love to see different attacks for all characters.)
Thanks man! I mean, a lot of characters are really cool, but even Venom's SP3 gets old after awhile. We need things to be able to be changed up. When you click or tap a champ, a simple Customize button under the Use Items button could have all the possible options. It would be a pretty easy set up.
Be careful what you wish for.
They will release the gears system that we all were against and they promised not to release (which they conveniently deleted in the old forums) and say "we're giving you what you asked for: customization!"
What was the Gears system? I didn't see that.
Basically there were rumors that they wanted to sell gear: like gloves, sword, etc. Everyone got upset. They finally sent a dev to deny that they will do that.
Oh **** that would suck. They do something kind of like that in Future Fight, and it's weird. I mean on animation and fighting styles, not actual character changes. If Kabam hijacked the idea and screwed it over that badly, the blowback would definitely reverse it. Either that or an eternal boycott from 80% of users lol.
Now if our Champions STAYED as powerful as they already are and the Gears greatly IMPROVED them and made them MORE POWERFUL than they are now, THEN it would be cool.
It was the idea that we would essentially lose everything and have to start all over again that pissed everybody off.
This is kind of simple and not a really big thing, but I would like it if we could "group" certain characters together and have them "stuck" in that same group until we change them up. For example, in Arena, I'm always trying to form teams according to synergy and I generally use the same teams together each time. But I have to manually hunt and search for each champion every single time. But if we could group them together, i.e., Captain America, Superior Iron Man, and Ultron (that's one group that I always use together in Arena), that would make Arena grinding a little more streamlined in my opinion.
Simple but very useful.
Sort of like teams? I like this idea, but it doesn't really relate to this discussion. I'll go start a thread on it, though. I'd been thinking about that before now. Feel free to come in and comment on the thread. I'll give you some credit too.
Making variable movesets and specials will just mess the gameplay and the strategy. Any champ will be unpredictable everytime.
Right now if you're fighting against WS (for example) you know how -try- parry his specials, high punchs or whatever. Then it will be no possible.
Plus, right now the mechanics should be fixed in manyways. It dont seem good idea mess it a lot more.
It would make it harder to fight against people, but you could just wait and see while blocking what they do. It would actually require thinking. That's a good thing.
It would make it harder to fight against people, but you could just wait and see while blocking what they do. It would actually require thinking. That's a good thing.
Basically, any customization that has zero effect on gameplay is fine by me.
This would definitely bring in revenue. There could be a small charge of units to buy a new attack, which many would purchase units to buy. I know I would spend units on this, and if people are going to spend units, people are going to spend money on units.
People were in a tizzy about a port of the Chinese gear system (like any potential change). Kabam denied that was going to happen but said "One of the features that we've got incubating is an item system that allows fo Champion customization."
Thanks for clearing it up a bit more.