AQ Map 5, AW Gold 1/2 has openings

We aim for a balance of rewards/difficulty/cost. Everyone is growing at a steady rate without digging into their wallet. We simply ask for communication and showing up on a regular basis to complete lines - be cool to your 29 teammates and expect the same!
  • AQ 5x5. 150M-160M. Donations match (3 BGs)
  • AW currently Gold 1/2, Tier 6-8. Ended in high Gold 2 last season, making changes to push back into Gold 1 this time. (3 BGs)
  • LINE required
  • International membership, looking for US/Canada and India/Australia timezones predominantly.
  • No event minimums
  • Uncollected, an R5 or 2, Act 5/6 completion should be on your horizon
Line ID: Rivan562


  • Rivan56Rivan56 Member Posts: 23
    Still looking for one. US/Canada. UK could work out, too.
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