Solo Events are outdated

This is endlessly ridiculous. I have been waiting for over a week for the 'level up' event. This is now 9 days. This is not the 1st time that an event has gone away for multiple days. I dont just TRY not to complain, I DONT complain about this game that I love. But it is small things like this that cause players to get really frustrated about things that ordinarily they wouldn't get all riled up about. Event quest completion is a joke, and if that was the event that was skipped in the rotation (not 1 but 2 times) I could understand. But 1 as important as level up should never be skipped. What, did some 'whale' request that we needed more Event quest events for this week or something!? Did he threaten not to send his usual 30k to ya this month!? Ridiculous! Here's my "suggestion". Get a set 5 day rotation for summoner solo events. Always stay on the same rotation. Start with 'Hero Use' and rotate through 'Item Use', 'Arena Wins', 'Level Up', and yes end with 'Quest Completion'. That way it includes all quests. Then restart the rotation. Every week. For the foreseeable future. My goodness. This shouldn't be hard. Thank you.