Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.
Currently, Annihilus has their Signature ability erroneously set to 1 - it should be 0.

The team will be fixing this issue ASAP.

Thank you for your patience.

Next R4 5 star. Help..

Anurag1606Anurag1606 Posts: 1,176 ★★★
Greetings dear friends. I would like to have your advice on ranking up next R4 5 star. I'm posting my roster to give you idea.

I have 2 mutant gems (saving 1 for future Omega, 2nd debating to use on AA).
2 science gems. 1 cosmic Gem, 1 mystic Gem (debating to use on magik/GR)

I have explored act 5. My main focus behind ranking up would be to finish act 6 completion, AQ, wars and perhaps variant. LOL completion is also in sight.

Would appreciate your kind words and advices.

Next R4 5 star. Help.. 21 votes

Duped Voodoo to r4
19% 4 votes
Duped Emma/Ice to R4 (kindly mention who)
28% 6 votes
Unduped VTD to r4
4% 1 vote
AA to R4 (got mutant 5 star gem)
23% 5 votes
Magik to R4 (got mystic Gem)
14% 3 votes
Duped WS to R4 (km is R4)
0% 0 votes
Rank up another champ (please mention who)
4% 1 vote
Wait for better champ to come.
4% 1 vote


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    Anurag1606Anurag1606 Posts: 1,176 ★★★
    Can someone give their opinions and as to why so? Would help a fellow summoner. Thankyou
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    XxLoganTDCxXXxLoganTDCxX Posts: 2,561 ★★★★
    Emma frost
    Easy ramp up
    insane damage
    lots of immunities and resistants
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    spigwenderspigwender Posts: 473 ★★★
    Emma. Very easy to use and great damage and utility, along with lots of immunities.
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    Ctleath_013Ctleath_013 Posts: 416 ★★
    Emma for sure!
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    shadow_lurker22shadow_lurker22 Posts: 3,245 ★★★★★
    edited April 2019
    Voodoo duped is one of the best champs
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    Anurag1606Anurag1606 Posts: 1,176 ★★★
    I'm wondering, not many are advocating ice man or AA ? considering a lot of Biohazard nodes Plus 6.1.5 xbones. Ice man R4 can take it. I have aegon too as an option but I don't have that important synergy of proxima or SL in 5 star that makes aegon use difficult. Gotta play perfect first few fights which will be lengthy as hell to ramp up. I was also expecting some of the votes for AA. Against non immune champs I don't think there is any guy better than him. So I think he can occupy 1 spot to clear out lanes and that AAR when duped.

    Suprisingly I find a lot of you find Emma more worthy. She's good no doubt but I feel she's good in all departments but not 1 area where she is best. Immunities? Not through out. Damage? Great sp2 but that's it. Decreases power gain of opponent with sp3 for few seconds . Can tank sp3s but not like ice. So as I said, she's really good but not awesome in any department.

    Magik I'm really debating. Also got Voodoo. Vtd I just got. Don't know how effective is ramp up system.

    These were my doubts and hence resorted to community friends to help me out. Thanks again for taking time.
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    SidDDragonSidDDragon Posts: 1,183 ★★★
    I am at a lower level than u so u can ignore my suggestion if u want..but I would rankup one of magik or iceman
    Magik cuz u lack a power control champ at R4 and magik is the queen of.power control..plus her nullify will help u out as well
    Iceman well he is one of the best multi immunity champ and his immunities are probably more reliable than that of Emma plus u can do with a utility champ as u got some strong damage dealers already at R4 moreover u don't have a mutant at that power level so that's another point in favour of iceman(or Emma)
    Another one to consider would be VTD..one for class diversity in Ur R4 options and two for the overall customisability of the champ
    But as I said,i am not at your level so u can ignore this if u want
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    Arham1Arham1 Posts: 435 ★★
    Emma is just Iceman bit better.
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    Arham1Arham1 Posts: 435 ★★
    Great utility and stun immune in diamond form with evade prevention in telepath form.
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    Ultimatesaber32Ultimatesaber32 Posts: 742 ★★
    Personally, I enjoy the playstyle and fun mechanics of DarkHawk. but that's just me.
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    HuntspyjHuntspyj Posts: 78
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