Did Spider Gwen get a silent nerf?

Her Paralyze used to allow you to do a double medium then two 5 hit combos, but now once you complete the first 5 hit combo, the opponent will counter attack immediately. It won’t let me enter the video (might be my new phone still acting up) so if someone would be so kind as to test this and send a video so Kabam won’t say “Please enter a video for further proof” that would be greatly appreciated.

2 hit combo (while stun) + 5 hit combo is different than 5 hit combo (while stun) + 2 hit combo
You said you were doing the 5 hit combo first, which is wrong. By the time you start another combo the enemy already has no stun.
I just tried her shes fine, although laggy, which was mentioned by @Fred_Joeity, I am in agreement with that
The only exception is probably LoL unstoppable on the enrage timer, but I didn't saw anything about it
I hope this is just a bug and not a nerf as I was seriously considering taking her to R5 but if this stays as is right now I can't justify it.