1% bug is...back?

So was doing just some arena grinding today and in most of the matches, after using a special, the enemy had a 1% hp left, once or twice had it happened, I'd have ignored it, but about 90% of the time it happened, which made me wonder that is the 1% bug back again.
Anyone else faced this?
Anyone else faced this?
Why when I do an SP3 at somewhere between 10-20% away, seems to be about 20% of the time opponent health lands at 1% afterwards. (do we have to begin another math class, lol)
But, seriously.. could you have faced an arena team that had Heimdall on it (doesn’t even need an exact partner for the 1% stay-alive synergy) ? Or maybe Dormy-Mordo (or whatever that other synergy is) ? Or Dup,d GwenPool ? Or Hela ? Could be lots of reasons why.
But I doubt the meter actually changed to 0% and then back up to 1%. Even Hela w/ Angela-Heimdall never goes to 0 until all 3 chances at death have been exhausted (I use them a lot).
its called math