Corvus Glave recieving bleed damage VS Morningstar - Bug or Intended?

I noticed it yesterday in Arena versus Morningstar. Everytime a bleed starts (or refreshes) Corvus is recieving one tick from the bleed. After that first tick he gets immune agains bleeds.
Also after geting struck by her SP2 he does not nullify the bleed debuff like previous.
I will post a video as soon as possible.
Playing on Android 8.x on a OnePlus 5T. Have not tried it on iPad pro.
Gameversion: 22.1
Also after geting struck by her SP2 he does not nullify the bleed debuff like previous.
I will post a video as soon as possible.
Playing on Android 8.x on a OnePlus 5T. Have not tried it on iPad pro.
Gameversion: 22.1
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My Corvus 4* Rank 5 was at 74% Health. Morningstar 6* R2 at 8%. Still geting that one Tick.
I don't think I had lower health than MS.
I will post a Video as soon as possible.
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