Should StarLord’s element gun work like WS

nfernonferno Member Posts: 92
Just a thought, but does anyone else think it’d be better for Star Lord’s element gun to be more predictable and configurable with a dash back switch like Winter Soldier has? or continue to be spray and pray.

Sometimes the result is useless in the fight (ie heal block in a fight without healing) when one of the other results would be far more helpful (like power drain)

Should StarLord’s element gun work like WS 22 votes

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TerraMagrailothosSceptilemaniacissamaf80Josegee2321VoltolosFred_JoeityEvisceratorCtleath_013Ægon0710EarthElite 11 votes
This would be better
buffajrCammonRoOMC_PintoimaginejimBattle_GreninjaXxLoganTDCxXshadow_lurker22Colonaut123nfernoKRONOSDOUBLEThanos_Car 11 votes


  • SceptilemaniacSceptilemaniac Member Posts: 1,247 ★★★★
    Leave it as is
    It can be divided into two; damaging and non-damaging (armor break can be considered damaging) but making it of choice would probably be a major buff for the already god-tier character.
  • EvisceratorEviscerator Member Posts: 350 ★★
    Leave it as is
    He tends to give me heal block on regen dudes, and power drain or shock everywhere else so im good
  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,191 ★★★★★
    Leave it as is
    It's random but the chances aren't (according to my memory) actually equal for all effects. Many Changelogs ago, the chances of Heal Block were adjusted to be higher in fights where the opponent actively regenerates.

    No actual numbers were given; but there's a degree of selectivity.

    Having said that, it would be a massive buff to allow you to choose a regular reliable power drain or regular massive shock damage at high combos. Star Lord doesn't really need a buff, however fun it would be.
  • Colonaut123Colonaut123 Member Posts: 3,091 ★★★★★
    This would be better

    It's random but the chances aren't (according to my memory) actually equal for all effects. Many Changelogs ago, the chances of Heal Block were adjusted to be higher in fights where the opponent actively regenerates.

    No actual numbers were given; but there's a degree of selectivity.

    Having said that, it would be a massive buff to allow you to choose a regular reliable power drain or regular massive shock damage at high combos. Star Lord doesn't really need a buff, however fun it would be.

    SL is useless without his sig. I agree to disagree: he needs a buff. And this wouldn't be a 'buff' but a necessary fix. Having a bit of a choice would make him at least a bit more interesting.
  • Fred_JoeityFred_Joeity Member Posts: 1,170 ★★★
    Leave it as is
    He’s still got a place in the meta and doesn’t really need a buff, plus part of his appeal is that he’s incredibly simple to play. Adding a new mechanic to complicate him (even a little) would be weird.
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