Congratulations. Lag is unbelivable now.

GrimmGrimm Member Posts: 119
Don't know what to say. Only that the more you fiddle with it, the worse it gets.

Horrible game play.


  • SpielernameSpielername Member Posts: 133
    It's funny everybody in my alliance say they get lag in AQ&AW until they use one or multiple items and after that the lag is gone lol. Hmm just a little suspicious
  • Hulk_77Hulk_77 Member Posts: 782 ★★★
    I'm getting lag in arena only. The stutter kind. Very annoying. I know it's not my phone, I've got 6 GB of RAM.
  • GrimmGrimm Member Posts: 119
    My whole ally is suffering.

    It's like fighting under water
  • SungjSungj Member Posts: 2,117 ★★★★★
    Grimm what device do you and your other alliance members run the game on for the most part it seems andriod devices are getting the worst of the lag
  • GrimmGrimm Member Posts: 119
    Both apple and android.
    We couldn't detect a pattern.
  • Mwhitaker23Mwhitaker23 Member Posts: 332 ★★
    I don't have any lag.
  • Justice_Evo_8Justice_Evo_8 Member Posts: 213 ★★
    iPhone 6s+. Brand new. Went to apple and gave them my old one for a new one bc I thought it was my phone. It wasn't lol. The lag will be here for 6 months or more before it is fixed. That is Kabams track record so far. 1-3 months decent gameplay, 9-11 months of crappy gameplay..... but don't worry, we will get another summoner appreciation month for our troubles.
  • NDK13NDK13 Member Posts: 620 ★★
    Unless we get roninnupe to start the boycott again nothing will happen
  • GrimmGrimm Member Posts: 119
    Yes. They will end up killing this game.
    There are only so many boycotts and 1* rating movements before people give up
  • SomethingsomeSomethingsome Member Posts: 176
    I'm contemplating just walking away from the game, but there is a certain appeal to watching a dumpster fire while it burns. How long before marvel has to threaten pulling their license before they are magically fixed again? Only to have it return once marvel's gaze is focused elsewhere?
  • NEONEO Member Posts: 347
    No lag here, or with my alliance. We are all running great!!!
  • vucachonvucachon Member Posts: 104
    ive been receiving most my lag in regular quests. i still get **** in aw and aq, but not as bad as in story quests. It was the other way around before
  • TryakshaTryaksha Member Posts: 210
    lag is an understatement.. i am fighting in slo mo.. at times the opponent does a special on you and you dont even realize..
  • Kabam MiikeKabam Miike Moderator Posts: 8,268
    Hey All,

    Sorry to hear that some of you are suffering from less than stellar performance. We're continuously working on making the game more stable and run better on all devices, but this is not a quick or easy task. A lot of the issues that arise are not completely on our side, but are the results of a combination of circumstances on the device end. This doesn't mean that it's your device's fault, but it does mean that we have to do more research and delve into the potential causes for individual situations.

    As you can see in this thread alone, this situation isn't affecting all players, and further, if this didn't happen immediately after a new update, it's not likely caused by the game itself. Lag doesn't just come and go like that. So a few things to check out: Do you have special settings for games on your phone? Are you using a power saving mode? If nothing has changed at all, please provide us more information than just "The game is lagging". What device are you using? What modes are you seeing more or less Lag in? Is it against certain champions? Is it with certain champions? Does it happen in specific fighting arenas more often than others? These questions help us find the cause of these issues. Also, please remember to post these issues in the correct forum.

    Closing this thread down now.
This discussion has been closed.