JitL: Looking for a strong Officer / Leading Officer

Do you desire to lead, groom, guide and assist with structural growth of the alliance?
JitL is looking to recruit a new member with the potential to become an officer within the ranks of our leadership team.
Herein is our alliance brief:
JitL: Light of the World
Updated 5 April 2019
Welcome to the alliance: JitL - Light of the World
This is first and foremost an alliance made up of good friends who have semi retired from this game. We have been together for more than a year and through this, have became friends, even in RL to a certain extent. Yet this alliance is also made up of new blood who have chosen to be with us.
In order to join this alliance proper, you will need to read this entire brief and accept all the terms and conditions.
Overview of the alliance:
We are a causal alliance, without strict weekly requirements. Yet we have certain requirements of those we allow to join only because we want the best for everyone. We are also made up of players from all walks of life, of different nations. Most of us are working professionals with families too! Rules are here for our good, so that we might have order and structure. We have a basic organized structure. In view of the profile of our members, we do not intend to end up becoming a hardcore alliance with weekly donations for high end quest maps. Our donations are simple, just to fund map 4 weekly if possible. This is to ensure our members also spend time with their families as they enjoy this game.
The values of our alliance:
1. We love to see you grow
2. We are ok to accept new players but who are willing to learn and grow with us
3. We want to teach you about this game and share all the experience we have so that you can grow with us as a family.
4. We value strong communication
5. We value following of clear instructions
6. We sacrifice for the good of one another
7. We respect the differences of people of all walks of life.
We use terms like:
AQ - Alliance Quests
BG - Battle Group
AW - Alliance War
SA - Summoner Advancement
Requirements to join this family:
You will be required to accept all the terms in order to join our alliance.
1. Mandatory use of Line App - Bercanees
2. Active account
3. Participation in AQ, Map 5 and 2
4. AW is mandatory as we are doing 3 BGs. Gold 2 tier
5. Complete monthly event quests normal, Heroic & Master (only if you can)
Probationary period:
1. Upon acceptance, you will be under probation and observation for 2 weeks to 1 month
2. You will be observed based on your performance if you adhere to the values, practices and rules of this alliance.
3. If you do not participate based on the requirements of this alliance, you will be removed / kicked.
Purpose of Line App: Bercanees
1. Communication is key!
2. We use it for discussion, instructions, teaching and sharing!
3. For announcements, updates
4. For scheduling of AW rosters and team formations and strategies
5. Without strong communication, we will be disorganized!
Alliance Quests:
1. We would like participation for all members
2. Strive to complete all 3 BGs 100%
3. Current structure: Non War 542, War 542 or 442
4. Group 3 is map 2 to account for members to grow, busy schedules etc.
Alliance War:
1. 3 rounds of AW weekly
2. 3 BGs format, all equally distributed
3. We do not focus on strict wins. AW season is about points and we aim to finish in high Gold 3 or low 2 if possible. We just play to enjoy wars, be it wins or losses. If you can’t accept this, this isn’t the alliance for you.
4. Join the group you are assigned in. We have a AW structure, please read that article.
5. Use only your top 5 defenders and top 3 attackers
6. If you join, you must contribute during attack phase
7. Inactivity in attack phase without leave of absence will result in immediate kick
Summoner Advancements:
With peak milestones, we aim to contribute for SA weekly. We do not have a minimum.
Goal for Team Setup:
1. Build your top 16 characters
2. 6 attackers (3 for AW and 3 for AQ)
3. 5 defenders (for AW)
4. 5 attackers for events / story quests
5. Have a mixture of all class types
Tip: It’s highly recommended to aim to build your first full team of 4* 5/5. They are easier to achieve as compared to upgrading of 5* champs. It is also easier to awaken a 4* as compared to a 5*.
How to become an officer:
1. Do not ask to become an officer
2. Officers are recognized before appointed
3. Must have a strong and good track record of contributions to the alliance through AQ, AW, guidance and leadership in the alliance
4. Proactive to lead and to help others
5. Shows a certain level of skills in playing
6. Have a good team of characters which benefits AW
7. Are excellent role models
Alliance rules:
1. Follow the instructions and rules clearly
2. Read alliance wall or Line Alliance Chat for updates
3. If in doubt, ask
4. Racism will not be tolerated
5. Vulgarizes will not be tolerated
6. Cheating will not be tolerated. You will be exposed, reported and kicked
Disciplinary actions:
We do exercise grace, especially for newer members who are still learning about the game. Every action taken is based on careful considerations.
Types of offenses:
Minor offenses
1. Join AW when not rostered (applicable only to those where rules have been made known)
2. Did not participate in AQ without notice of absence or update given to alliance after AQ is over
3. Minor argument with another member
4. Did not follow clear instructions due to ignorance
Severe offenses
1. Join AW without participation and did not participate in attack phase
2. Direct insubordination to an officer or leader
3. Use of vulgarities
4. Cheating
5. Causing dissent and disunity
6. Racial discrimination
Warnings and kick / dismissal from alliance:
1. Minor offenses - warning
2. Repeated minor offenses - warning
3. Repeated minor offenses with no change - kick
4. Severe offenses - immediate kick
Other reasons for dismissal:
1. Did not login for at least 3 days without notice of leave or informing leader or officer.
2. Good members who have been away for 5 days to 6 days but did it give a reason will be removed temporarily. Such members will be reinstated once reason for absence is given.
We do understand the personal commitments of some members where due to work, can only login once every 2 days. You must notify your leader or officers about such an arrangement.
Re-acceptance into alliance:
Second chances can be given under special circumstances and after review. We do accept members who have been dismissed due to unforeseen reasons which was not brought up prior to the dismissal.
Alliance Appointments:
1. Leader
1. Leader of the alliance, Commanding Chief
2. Acting leader
1. Assumes command when leader is on leave
3. Special Advisor
1. Experts / seasoned players who are using secondary accounts in our alliance and main account is in a high end alliance. Special advisors are exempt from SA contributions
4. Leading Officer
1. Officers who lead members
5. Alliance recruiter
1. Officer who is a point to lead the alliance in recruiting and integrating new members
6. Alliance Placement Officer
1. Officer in charge of AW placement and AW strategy
7. Potential Officers / Ex Officers
1. Members invited to join the discussions with officers though without an official appointment. Such members were formal officers or are future potential officers
Rights of an officer:
An officer is first recognized before appointed. An officer is a representative of the leader and owns part of the alliance.
As an officer, he / she can:
1. Recruit
2. Kick / dismiss members
3. Start AW and AQ
4. Direct members
5. Make decisions about the alliance with the leader
Alliance hierarchy:
1. Bercanees - Leader
2. Digi - Deputy leader
3. 84Flavio - Leading Officer
4. Stiky - Leading Officer
5. Trevor - Leading Officer
6. Toki - Supporting Officer (acting)
7. Gabi - Leading Officer
8. J33PTHING - Special Advisor (External)
Finally, enjoy the alliance family and we hope that you will have an amazing experience and grow together with us. Take time to get to know one another well as it is always good to make some new friends!
Leader of the Alliance
JitL - Light of the World
The above is our alliance brief, made know to all who intends to join our family.
If you believe in the above structure, policy and foundation, do feel free to setup a discussion with myself and my deputy. We would be most glad to have a conversation to explore such possibilities.
Line ID: Bercanees
JitL is looking to recruit a new member with the potential to become an officer within the ranks of our leadership team.
Herein is our alliance brief:
JitL: Light of the World
Updated 5 April 2019
Welcome to the alliance: JitL - Light of the World
This is first and foremost an alliance made up of good friends who have semi retired from this game. We have been together for more than a year and through this, have became friends, even in RL to a certain extent. Yet this alliance is also made up of new blood who have chosen to be with us.
In order to join this alliance proper, you will need to read this entire brief and accept all the terms and conditions.
Overview of the alliance:
We are a causal alliance, without strict weekly requirements. Yet we have certain requirements of those we allow to join only because we want the best for everyone. We are also made up of players from all walks of life, of different nations. Most of us are working professionals with families too! Rules are here for our good, so that we might have order and structure. We have a basic organized structure. In view of the profile of our members, we do not intend to end up becoming a hardcore alliance with weekly donations for high end quest maps. Our donations are simple, just to fund map 4 weekly if possible. This is to ensure our members also spend time with their families as they enjoy this game.
The values of our alliance:
1. We love to see you grow
2. We are ok to accept new players but who are willing to learn and grow with us
3. We want to teach you about this game and share all the experience we have so that you can grow with us as a family.
4. We value strong communication
5. We value following of clear instructions
6. We sacrifice for the good of one another
7. We respect the differences of people of all walks of life.
We use terms like:
AQ - Alliance Quests
BG - Battle Group
AW - Alliance War
SA - Summoner Advancement
Requirements to join this family:
You will be required to accept all the terms in order to join our alliance.
1. Mandatory use of Line App - Bercanees
2. Active account
3. Participation in AQ, Map 5 and 2
4. AW is mandatory as we are doing 3 BGs. Gold 2 tier
5. Complete monthly event quests normal, Heroic & Master (only if you can)
Probationary period:
1. Upon acceptance, you will be under probation and observation for 2 weeks to 1 month
2. You will be observed based on your performance if you adhere to the values, practices and rules of this alliance.
3. If you do not participate based on the requirements of this alliance, you will be removed / kicked.
Purpose of Line App: Bercanees
1. Communication is key!
2. We use it for discussion, instructions, teaching and sharing!
3. For announcements, updates
4. For scheduling of AW rosters and team formations and strategies
5. Without strong communication, we will be disorganized!
Alliance Quests:
1. We would like participation for all members
2. Strive to complete all 3 BGs 100%
3. Current structure: Non War 542, War 542 or 442
4. Group 3 is map 2 to account for members to grow, busy schedules etc.
Alliance War:
1. 3 rounds of AW weekly
2. 3 BGs format, all equally distributed
3. We do not focus on strict wins. AW season is about points and we aim to finish in high Gold 3 or low 2 if possible. We just play to enjoy wars, be it wins or losses. If you can’t accept this, this isn’t the alliance for you.
4. Join the group you are assigned in. We have a AW structure, please read that article.
5. Use only your top 5 defenders and top 3 attackers
6. If you join, you must contribute during attack phase
7. Inactivity in attack phase without leave of absence will result in immediate kick
Summoner Advancements:
With peak milestones, we aim to contribute for SA weekly. We do not have a minimum.
Goal for Team Setup:
1. Build your top 16 characters
2. 6 attackers (3 for AW and 3 for AQ)
3. 5 defenders (for AW)
4. 5 attackers for events / story quests
5. Have a mixture of all class types
Tip: It’s highly recommended to aim to build your first full team of 4* 5/5. They are easier to achieve as compared to upgrading of 5* champs. It is also easier to awaken a 4* as compared to a 5*.
How to become an officer:
1. Do not ask to become an officer
2. Officers are recognized before appointed
3. Must have a strong and good track record of contributions to the alliance through AQ, AW, guidance and leadership in the alliance
4. Proactive to lead and to help others
5. Shows a certain level of skills in playing
6. Have a good team of characters which benefits AW
7. Are excellent role models
Alliance rules:
1. Follow the instructions and rules clearly
2. Read alliance wall or Line Alliance Chat for updates
3. If in doubt, ask
4. Racism will not be tolerated
5. Vulgarizes will not be tolerated
6. Cheating will not be tolerated. You will be exposed, reported and kicked
Disciplinary actions:
We do exercise grace, especially for newer members who are still learning about the game. Every action taken is based on careful considerations.
Types of offenses:
Minor offenses
1. Join AW when not rostered (applicable only to those where rules have been made known)
2. Did not participate in AQ without notice of absence or update given to alliance after AQ is over
3. Minor argument with another member
4. Did not follow clear instructions due to ignorance
Severe offenses
1. Join AW without participation and did not participate in attack phase
2. Direct insubordination to an officer or leader
3. Use of vulgarities
4. Cheating
5. Causing dissent and disunity
6. Racial discrimination
Warnings and kick / dismissal from alliance:
1. Minor offenses - warning
2. Repeated minor offenses - warning
3. Repeated minor offenses with no change - kick
4. Severe offenses - immediate kick
Other reasons for dismissal:
1. Did not login for at least 3 days without notice of leave or informing leader or officer.
2. Good members who have been away for 5 days to 6 days but did it give a reason will be removed temporarily. Such members will be reinstated once reason for absence is given.
We do understand the personal commitments of some members where due to work, can only login once every 2 days. You must notify your leader or officers about such an arrangement.
Re-acceptance into alliance:
Second chances can be given under special circumstances and after review. We do accept members who have been dismissed due to unforeseen reasons which was not brought up prior to the dismissal.
Alliance Appointments:
1. Leader
1. Leader of the alliance, Commanding Chief
2. Acting leader
1. Assumes command when leader is on leave
3. Special Advisor
1. Experts / seasoned players who are using secondary accounts in our alliance and main account is in a high end alliance. Special advisors are exempt from SA contributions
4. Leading Officer
1. Officers who lead members
5. Alliance recruiter
1. Officer who is a point to lead the alliance in recruiting and integrating new members
6. Alliance Placement Officer
1. Officer in charge of AW placement and AW strategy
7. Potential Officers / Ex Officers
1. Members invited to join the discussions with officers though without an official appointment. Such members were formal officers or are future potential officers
Rights of an officer:
An officer is first recognized before appointed. An officer is a representative of the leader and owns part of the alliance.
As an officer, he / she can:
1. Recruit
2. Kick / dismiss members
3. Start AW and AQ
4. Direct members
5. Make decisions about the alliance with the leader
Alliance hierarchy:
1. Bercanees - Leader
2. Digi - Deputy leader
3. 84Flavio - Leading Officer
4. Stiky - Leading Officer
5. Trevor - Leading Officer
6. Toki - Supporting Officer (acting)
7. Gabi - Leading Officer
8. J33PTHING - Special Advisor (External)
Finally, enjoy the alliance family and we hope that you will have an amazing experience and grow together with us. Take time to get to know one another well as it is always good to make some new friends!
Leader of the Alliance
JitL - Light of the World
The above is our alliance brief, made know to all who intends to join our family.
If you believe in the above structure, policy and foundation, do feel free to setup a discussion with myself and my deputy. We would be most glad to have a conversation to explore such possibilities.
Line ID: Bercanees
1. Good rating with a solid team of 5*
2. Uncollected title at least
3. Proficient skill set *
4. Desire to lead, groom, teach, assist with alliance group and structure
5. Good knowledge of the game
Semi retired players are welcomed.