Easiest champ to fight but yet struggle against

Hey guys, everyone has that one "nemesis" who usually is one of the easiest champ to fight against but generally you struggle. Let's see who struggle against who 
Mine is Magneto (I always get wrecked by his sp2)

Mine is Magneto (I always get wrecked by his sp2)
Korg is hard, but he's just hard ..
Emma "should" be easy .. but I just can't figure her out.
I use Vision (AoU) every time I have to face her ... still haven't evaded her sp1 once .. O.o
When she’s raising her arm up, dash twice forward( to evade her inverted control sp1), then dash backward to dash in, and start your MLLLM attack!
IMIW, get autoblock when he as 4 armor buff or more. Wait until they dissipate. When he has something like 15% health, he as automatically autoblock, bait is heavy attack and counter with your heavy. Or save your sp3 and finish him off with that.
If he got 15% or less, but as some armur buffs, wait untill the buff dissipate and throw in your sp3, same apply with the heavy counter!
and note that since I always use Vision .. I don't worry about inverted controls ... it's not even an issue ... I just can't seem to figure her sp1 timing out .. *shrug*