Seeking Australia/NZ Recruits for Map5 in 6M Ally

Our fun, chilled alliance is also active and well-organised. We are looking for reliable line clearers for map 5 of our level. If you are Australian/NZ Timezone you might find us particularly well-suited to you. For those who want active play we offer good rewards without the grind. We run Map 5 x4 times a week. Our focus is mostly aq as we are beginning to stay in expert tier, but we change it up with some weekly aw. Our rating is 6M average rating 200k.
We prefer members who have at least two r5. With us you'll be getting those class cat fragments reliably and have fun with a great crew!
[XKiwi] Adamantium Kiwis
Line App username: tigerwhiskers
Players must participate in aq several times daily. Players must communicate well. Line app is required and you must connect with us on line app within 24 hours of joining.Lukeisawesome: "This is a very cool alliance. Joined about 2 months ago now and already made great progress. All members very active, everyone contributes and genuinely get on well with each other. Lots of laughs through Line app makes playing the game a lot more fun."
We prefer members who have at least two r5. With us you'll be getting those class cat fragments reliably and have fun with a great crew!
[XKiwi] Adamantium Kiwis
Line App username: tigerwhiskers