XP (Summoner Level 60) - What development would you like?

Once a summoner reaches level 60 there is no longer any benefit in obtaining XP through questing, or in having XP boosts (other than as cannon fodder for item use).
This is a topic that has been discussed time and time again, and from a quick search (i may be wrong) we have had no official response from Kabam (other than saying there will be no additional masteries as they are happy with that setup).
Would it be possible to make it so that Summoners can level up past 60 (with or without new mastery points) so that the XP isn't going to waste, or even for the XP to be turned into extra gold, even if its just a small amount as it's better than receiving XP that does literally nothing to help us.
@Kabam Miike (or any of the team) we would really like an official response/plan regarding the development for XP.
Just to show our thoughts, what would summoners above level 60 prefer:
This is a topic that has been discussed time and time again, and from a quick search (i may be wrong) we have had no official response from Kabam (other than saying there will be no additional masteries as they are happy with that setup).
Would it be possible to make it so that Summoners can level up past 60 (with or without new mastery points) so that the XP isn't going to waste, or even for the XP to be turned into extra gold, even if its just a small amount as it's better than receiving XP that does literally nothing to help us.
@Kabam Miike (or any of the team) we would really like an official response/plan regarding the development for XP.
Just to show our thoughts, what would summoners above level 60 prefer:
XP (Summoner Level 60) - What development would you like? 41 votes
No, I've a better solution: