Is this wrong?

So I've got blade in alliance wars and as always hes got his Ghost Rider backpack on and ready for an adventure... While on his adventure he encounters a wild CG! Going in ready to given the beat down danger sense does not show up. Is CG not a villain??

His motives are altruistic not malevolent. Thanos actually cares for life and wants it to be able to continue.
Also he could not be considered alturistic, as that shows a selfless care for others, he has no care about others, they are part of the problem.
You are confusing the means and the ends. The end result of what he is wanting to do can be considered good, but you cannot ignore how he goes about it.
Compare him to other MCU villains: Ronan, Ego, Ultron, etc. Their intentions are selfish, hateful, malicious and so on.
Thanos wants all peoples to be able to continue and not suffer the fate of his... because he genuinely cares. Granted... his plan is extreme AF... but yeah. It's not evil.
His plan is not 100% evil. It's 100% altruistic.
He doesn't think individuals are more important than life surviving.
showing a disinterested and selfless concern for the well-being of others; unselfish.
He has to care about others, as in individuals. That is "ends justifies the means". He committed evil acts, unless you dont think murder is evil, in order to serve the greater good.
"The end justifies the means" is the creed of this alignment. Lawful Evil characters may actually have admirable goals, but the means that they are willing to take are, more often than not, deplorable. Lawful Evil characters are often better versed in the letter of the law than the best paladins, and they stand ready to twist every phrase to suit their goals. It is necessary to remember that exactly what is and is not evil will vary from society to society. However, evil always includes the complete and utter disregard for anything that stands in the way of the character's desires. An Evil character will hurt anybody or anything to get what he wants, be it wealth or pleasure (sometimes from the inflicting of the pain).
Without intention, they are just acts.
Since his intention is to preserve life, he can't be considered evil. The way he accomplished it was probably the most awful thing ever, though.
Also: Godwin'd
Preserving life is an admirable goal, but how you go about doing it is what makes you good or evil. IF you wipe out all mankind so the planets life can continue without humans you would be evil. If you went out and planted trees you would be considered good.