Can we make a best of list

It can be anything at all you want. Something a champ (or 2) is better than any other champ at
Best Bleeder- Archangel/Gwenpool
Best Chain Stunner- Jane Foster
Best Regen- Blade/Omega Red/Sabretooth (with Logan synergy)
Best Power Control- Magik/Dormammu
Best Rank Up Damage- Aegon/She-Hulk/Star Lord
What do you guys have to add?
Best Bleeder- Archangel/Gwenpool
Best Chain Stunner- Jane Foster
Best Regen- Blade/Omega Red/Sabretooth (with Logan synergy)
Best Power Control- Magik/Dormammu
Best Rank Up Damage- Aegon/She-Hulk/Star Lord
What do you guys have to add?
Best Shock-Nebula/IronManIW/Red Skull
Best burner- Masacre, Human Torch
Best evader- Nightcrawler
Best worthless- Hulkbuster, Colossus
Best wannabe- Joe Fixit