Champions to help me get uncollected

MC2707MC2707 Member Posts: 29
I’m only level 42, not quite ready to go for the collector but I was wondering what champions could help me out for this. I have a 5* r2/35 hulk and a 4* R4/40 Vision(age of ultron) Are these champions helpful in the go to uncollected and what other champions should I try to get beforehand?


  • SmokieisgodSmokieisgod Member Posts: 104
    is hulk awakened?
  • belli300belli300 Member Posts: 704 ★★★
    You should have at least a few 5/50 4* champs before taking the collector on preferably 1-2 4/55 5*
  • Austin555555Austin555555 Member Posts: 3,051 ★★★★★
    Sparky was my savior for getting uncollected. Soo if you have him, save him for the collector fight.
  • MC2707MC2707 Member Posts: 29

    is hulk awakened?

    No he isn’t.

  • DshuDshu Member Posts: 1,516 ★★★★
    Sw put in a lot of work for me against the collector on my first run. Things have changed a lot since then. If you can get a hemdall to add to your team his synergy can be a big help. If you plan to use hulk a thor ragnorok is another good synergy champ.
  • YcatsYcats Member Posts: 146 ★★
    belli300 said:

    You should have at least a few 5/50 4* champs before taking the collector on preferably 1-2 4/55 5*

    You definitely don't need any 4/55 for the collector. 5/50's should be good enough and even then many people have done it with 4/40's, it depends on your skill level.
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