Omega taking full bleed damage in AQ - map 7

I don’t have a video because it happened so quickly but I just had my r5 omega red almost die to bleed damage in map 7, specifically the Dr Strange right before the portal to the minis.
Also, my death field wasn’t letting me apply over 10 spores soooo almost died on a fight I should dominate.
I did not see this same behavior earlier in the day against the Morningstar bleed node so wondering what’s going on here and how things could change in a matter of hours.
Really hoping for a reply from a mod asap because if omegas bleed reduction AND death field are busted a lot of people are going to die on biohazard path including myself.
iPhone X - Verizon if that makes any difference...
Also, my death field wasn’t letting me apply over 10 spores soooo almost died on a fight I should dominate.
I did not see this same behavior earlier in the day against the Morningstar bleed node so wondering what’s going on here and how things could change in a matter of hours.
Really hoping for a reply from a mod asap because if omegas bleed reduction AND death field are busted a lot of people are going to die on biohazard path including myself.
iPhone X - Verizon if that makes any difference...
As there are a few omega bugs reported with no responses as of yet, this being the worst in my opinion by far.
I’m thinking there is just something wrong with the one Dr Strange fight.
Should be easily testable and would love a confirmation or some sort of acknowledgement.
@Kabam Zibiit
The bleed is enhanced by 40% so for example
lets go with a base bleed of 1000
the 40% enhance means the bleed will do 1400
omega red's ability is to reduce bleed damage he takes by 90%
therefore it should be 140 bleed damage.
since its doing a lot more damage i would say this is bugged
Wth is going on with this one node...
@Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit
Absolutely any kind of confirmation that you’re looking into this would be appreciated.
Haven’t taken anywhere near this damage the last two days.