Avengers, Assemble! "Quest for the Stones" and "Save the Battlerealm" Events are coming!



  • WerewrymWerewrym Member Posts: 2,830 ★★★★★
    @Kabam Miike What are the drop rates on the items in the greater last stand crystal? Reserving judgment until I see how rare it is to get some of the good rewards from the crystal.
  • Wakandas_FinestWakandas_Finest Member Posts: 862 ★★★★
    Werewrym said:

    @Kabam Miike What are the drop rates on the items in the greater last stand crystal? Reserving judgment until I see how rare it is to get some of the good rewards from the crystal.

    Do you really need to wait though?...do you?....do you?
  • WerewrymWerewrym Member Posts: 2,830 ★★★★★

    Werewrym said:

    @Kabam Miike What are the drop rates on the items in the greater last stand crystal? Reserving judgment until I see how rare it is to get some of the good rewards from the crystal.

    Do you really need to wait though?...do you?....do you?
    I mean I have my suspicions but I'm gonna give them the benefit of the doubt on this one. If nothing else, I always enjoy when they add unique boosts and abilities to champs through the monthly events and/or items (even if it is temporary), and this infinity stone thing promises to be interesting even if the rewards aren't stellar.
    Can we get some info on how these characters are gonna turn out after getting the stones? Especially since the only the one people still consider good now is Hawkeye which is funny cause he's one og the weakest out of all of them.
  • bob59300bob59300 Member Posts: 32
    edited April 2019
    Looking at what we can find in those crystals, I am disappointed. Some rewards are good but probably at a very low rate, and some others are meh (gold ????).

    Please take into consideration the community is expecting very good rewards since the endgame movie is waited by all the community + we can't use our 4* in act6 + Bounty missions has given us crazy rewards.
  • Guriqbal_BajwaGuriqbal_Bajwa Member Posts: 12
    All captain Americas?
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  • bob59300bob59300 Member Posts: 32
    Just the OG avengers
  • Wakandas_FinestWakandas_Finest Member Posts: 862 ★★★★
    edited April 2019

    All captain Americas?

    Only OG cap, OG IM, OG Thor, OG Hulk, BW, and Hawkeye will receive the boosts
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  • XxLoganTDCxXXxLoganTDCxX Member Posts: 2,561 ★★★★
    Seems interesting. I hope we will get to fight a thanos with the infinity stones from the MCU, not from Kabam.
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  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,412 Guardian
    Mixalis said:

    I have all great champs that I can't use, because the last few months you're limiting who we want to choose.

    MCOC Team said:

    This quest is not limited to Avengers Champions, but others will face a considerably tougher Challenge.

  • NTT6688846993NTT6688846993 Member Posts: 37
    Crkwest said:

    I guess that we can get 30 of the greater crystals, but imagine getting 10k gold from each of them...

    U no I seen that and thats my luck or getting the champion boost. Man i wood str8 quit mcoc warm turkey. On blast in over for 12 days. (Thats how frustrated)
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  • winterthurwinterthur Member Posts: 8,314 ★★★★★
    I hope there will be some T4BC offer so that I can rank the champs.

    CA: 4* 4/40 A
    IM: 5* 2/35 A
    HE: 4* 3/30 UA
    BW: 4* 3/30 A
    Hulk: 5* 1/15 UA
    Thor: 4* 4/40 UA (was my first 4*)
  • Mqc19Mqc19 Member Posts: 379 ★★★
    Avengers meaning any version of say cap America ? Or just classic cap?
    Same ? For IM, Thor, hulk, etc.

    Thank you
  • arya2250arya2250 Member Posts: 22
  • Woody15Woody15 Member Posts: 544 ★★★
    Just the original versions. It's been explained multiple times. OG Cap, OG IM, OG Thor, OG Hulk, BW and HE
  • Ace_QuillAce_Quill Member Posts: 57
    arya2250 said:


    If you read the first post it explicitly says no.
  • Cryptic_CobraCryptic_Cobra Member Posts: 532 ★★★

    The_Boss9 said:

    Question - for ex you say iron man for one day, is that all versions of iron man? Or og iron man?

    Only the Specific Champion! So only the original Iron Man.
    So wait, I can’t use the stone on say, iron man (infinity war)?!?! He literally has infinity war in the name. Why would these stones not work on all variations of the champ.
  • bloodyCainbloodyCain Member Posts: 910 ★★★

    Maybe I mis something but no 6* shards this month? I only need 200 for a new 6* but...
    Also if you don't have this specific heroes or have only a 4* r4 version you don't have any chance for epic in Save the battelrealm.
    I honestly don't understand who takes this decision but almost 10 members of our aliance retired this month (and they were playing for more then 3-4 years). Is realy hard to convince them not to retire with game evolving in this direction

    These 2 events are definitely a side event. So we will have 1 regular monthly event quest and these new 2 quests.
    I can guarantee it because in the last picture, it's called Epic mode when it supposed to be Uncollected just like all previous monthly Event Quest
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,412 Guardian
    Ajstark said:

    They named the stones with each avenger?? And you have to collect the stones... Sounds like a Big EPIC spoiler to me... Well done Kabam

    These cross-promotional content events are pretty much guaranteed to be created in conjunction with and under the direction of Marvel. You don't actually think Marvel told Kabam everything that would happen in End Game and then told them "but don't use this in the game, okay?" There's no guarantee that any of the details in the MCOC content will actually be in the movie, or will be in the movie in precisely the same way, but either way this content is all but certain to be intentionally connected to the movie, but somewhat loosely connected.

    And the spoiler you're referring to was already all but directly spoiled in a Marvel approved trailer for the movie. Either way, blame Marvel.
  • SiliyoSiliyo Member Posts: 1,510 ★★★★★
    How's the energy for these quests? This month felt overwhelming with 3 weeks to do bounty missions + EQ.
  • 8406GR8406GR Member Posts: 55
    If they give us good rewards they couldn’t gouge us with ridiculous cash grab offers.
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