JitL: 10m+ Active, structured alliance looking for 1x new member

JitL: Light of the World
Updated 22 April 2019
Welcome to the alliance: JitL - Light of the World
This is first and foremost an alliance made up of good friends who have semi retired from this game. We have been together for more than a year and through this, have became friends, even in RL to a certain extent. Yet this alliance is also made up of new blood who have chosen to be with us and share the same vision of what make us who we are today - structured, relaxed yet active.
In order to join this alliance proper, you will need to read this entire brief and accept all the terms and conditions.
Overview of the alliance:
We are a casual but active alliance, without strict weekly requirements. Yet we have certain requirements of those we allow to join only because we want the best for everyone. We are also made up of players from all walks of life, of different nations. Most of us are working professionals with families too! Rules are here for our good, so that we might have order and structure. We have an organized structure. In view of the profile of our members, we do not intend to end up becoming a hardcore alliance with weekly donations for high end quest maps. Our donations are simple, just to fund map 5 and 4 weekly. This is to ensure our members also spend time with their families as they enjoy this game. At the same time, we are always on track to improving ourselves as we grow as a family.
At present, our structure for AW and AQ are:
AW Gold 2 - Tier 11 to 8
AQ 542
Want to be part of our family?
1. Active and growing
2. Good roster and decent skills
3. Uncollected title (preferred)
4. LINE communication
5. Believe in our vision
If you meet the above, do add me on LINE:
Updated 22 April 2019
Welcome to the alliance: JitL - Light of the World
This is first and foremost an alliance made up of good friends who have semi retired from this game. We have been together for more than a year and through this, have became friends, even in RL to a certain extent. Yet this alliance is also made up of new blood who have chosen to be with us and share the same vision of what make us who we are today - structured, relaxed yet active.
In order to join this alliance proper, you will need to read this entire brief and accept all the terms and conditions.
Overview of the alliance:
We are a casual but active alliance, without strict weekly requirements. Yet we have certain requirements of those we allow to join only because we want the best for everyone. We are also made up of players from all walks of life, of different nations. Most of us are working professionals with families too! Rules are here for our good, so that we might have order and structure. We have an organized structure. In view of the profile of our members, we do not intend to end up becoming a hardcore alliance with weekly donations for high end quest maps. Our donations are simple, just to fund map 5 and 4 weekly. This is to ensure our members also spend time with their families as they enjoy this game. At the same time, we are always on track to improving ourselves as we grow as a family.
At present, our structure for AW and AQ are:
AW Gold 2 - Tier 11 to 8
AQ 542
Want to be part of our family?
1. Active and growing
2. Good roster and decent skills
3. Uncollected title (preferred)
4. LINE communication
5. Believe in our vision
If you meet the above, do add me on LINE:
1. We are well structured for working professionals and players with family
2. We believe that this game shouldn’t be a job but a place for relaxation and fun.
3. We are not hardcore but we are definitely active, yet without strict requirements
4. We deal openly and professionally with every member in the alliance
5. We are an alliance which believes in the same vision and direction.
This alliance is ideal for:
1. Semi retired old timers
2. Skillful players yet without the desire to see this game as a job
3. Skilled and matured players who desires to groom and impart knowledge and contribute to the growth of the alliance
4. Players who love to grow as a family.