Aw season delay

Joel92598Joel92598 Member Posts: 82
Over the past few seasons, there have been delays after every season because of “unexpected” bugs that come into the game with every update. The total time of these delays over just the past 3 seasons has elapsed over 6 weeks now. This is equivalent to one whole season and one standard off season of 2 weeks. Alliance war is by far the most exciting game mode in the game and these constant delays are killing the players. Will there be compensation for this? The game is in such a boring state without alliance war and alliance quest is just stale. There has to be some type of compensation for the carelessness that keeps delaying alliance war seasons.


  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,949 ★★★★★
    War Seasons are competitions. We're not owed Rewards to compensate for. We compete to earn them. If there's no competition on, no Rewards are earned. It's not something that must be given in the event it's not started yet.
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