I don’t know man. Three aq minutes fight against NC trying to force him to switch his stance with light distance hit trick multiples times with no success
the "distance light trick" was never confirmed to be intentional, and they mostly removed it without knowing, but consider it to have been a bug. You can still do it but it is a little more difficult.
Last time NC was in the AQ I'll admit I had to use the hitting into his block method to switch him, but found it much easier this time to switch...as if it was back to normal.
I couldn’t switch him at all tonight lol actually wouldn’t even dash or anything at me just kinda “walked” up to me over and over He’s not really acting like usual from my experience lol
Something has changed indeed. Before 2 days ago, I took down 3 NC AQ mini bosses easily - switched him using the light attack trick less than 5 secs into the fights.
Yesterday, after 2 mini bosses, and 10 duels, I couldn’t get the trick to work. It wasn’t easy to switch using the regular way of hitting into his block too. Will monitor this a few more days.
You ought to be able to switch him without using the trick, and you can, but the timer often disappears now if you hit his block even when he doesn't teleport. This needs to be fixed.
it looked like after last months update that the window of opportunity to use the light attack trick was shorter but still possible to do but after this update the ability to do this has been completely removed. Something like this should have been mentioned to the community as a lot of people use this method to change his stance and with him being a miniboss in AQ thats a big deal.
He’s been a new issue for me. I’ve always been able to switch him until the last few days. The Sentinel issue hasn’t been fixed either. I keep getting mashed after his L1. His reaction times has definitely changed. I’m glad there’s a thread on the NC issue. Didn’t know if it was just me having problems with him.
He’s not really acting like usual from my experience lol
Yesterday, after 2 mini bosses, and 10 duels, I couldn’t get the trick to work. It wasn’t easy to switch using the regular way of hitting into his block too. Will monitor this a few more days.
Yea very broken!