Domino breaking blocks

So have you snuck in the ability for domino to block break or is this a bug? Because it seriously never happens when I’m using domino but when I’m facing her in war or anywhere and I accidentally parry trying to dash back, or if I just block, she’s breaking my block on the second gunshot every single time and wrecking me. This cannot be as intended. If it is, how come my domino never does that?
Also, am I the only one that cares about nebulas s2 not connecting with the second to last hit almost every time? So many bugs going on can we get them acknowledged again?
Also, am I the only one that cares about nebulas s2 not connecting with the second to last hit almost every time? So many bugs going on can we get them acknowledged again?
Domino is already annoying to deal with. We don't need a block breaking version.
@Kabam Miike
This is what you are experiencing. Zero evidence has ever been produced on this topic EVER. None of you all haven't either.
It's definitely a bug that needs to be fixed.
The video is older but it's still what people are experiencing.
I'm not sure why you're having so much difficulty understanding this?
It is happening. And no one is acknowledging it. I know I’m not releasing my block. She’s shooting right through it. Even if I had proof of it I’m sure someone say I was releasing the block.
The bug is back. And we need someone to at least acknowledge that it is back and is happening. I’ve experienced it most in war.
I've experienced it several times even in war where it resulting to death.
Okay, Domino has a 2-part hits for her 1st Medium. That's what everyone needs to know.
So her first medium has 2 hits which are the slap/punch (contact) and then a quick gunshot (non-contact) Ok, try to make sense of that before you continue reading.
There are 3 scenarios when fighting Domino:
1) You either successfully evade her 1st part hit of 1st Medium which automatically means you evade all of her combo (best scenario) OR
2) You are late to evade her 1st part hit of 1st Medium and should just stay to take blocked hits (not bad scenario) OR
3) You are late to evade her 1st part hit of 1st Medium and try to evade on the second part BUT most likely will get caught (worse scenario)
It's because her stupid mechanic that allows you to dex on her 2nd part of 1st Medium attack, that I believe is a trap.
90% of the time you will get caught and most likely would die or lose a lot of health.
So I think it's better for KABAM to just change her mechanic where you can't dex once you got hit by the 1st part of the 1st Medium and continue getting a blocked hit by the 2nd part.
Meaning that it will be just a game where you either successfully evade her 1sf Medium OR late to evade and taking blocked hits.
The damage from that is 100 times way lesser than getting caught by her 2nd part 1st Medium that can lead to your death.
I know what I’m doing. I’m not trying to evade her medium attack at all. I’m simply holding block waiting for her combo to end. Then the second gunshot is going right through my block and she wrecks me. I have now found that this is ONLY happening in war from my experiences. It is not happening in duels or the small percentage of quests I can face her in. It is happening. And I am not the only one.
Seems like it's not isolated to any particular part of the game by the sound of it. Although it doesn't appear to be consistent either. Some said it was her S1 doing it. Others have mentioned her opener was blasting through blocks. I had both occur. My device is relatively new, and this doesn't happen elsewhere. I know the difference between a failed evade, and something cleaning my clock for no logical reason. Which is why I stopped attempting the evade of her opener long ago.
I was actually surprised when it happened considering I typically have 0 issues with Domino. So maybe the inconsistencies in it occurring could explain why some have had it happen, while others haven't. Unless you plan to record every fight with Domino, you may not catch it. Just because video evidence hasn't been provided doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Just means it's an odd occurrence. That's my 2 cents anyway.
Exact same animations. Pay attention to the white touch dot on the left side. Me trying to dex the second hit leads to it looking like it broke my block.
I feel like there is so much processing going on for her abilities that the game misses or drops player inputs. Blocks getting dropped, dexterities getting missed, swipes to attack getting ignored.
Block breaking happens a lot. Far too much.
Dexterity gets ignored when evading her special 1 - it's easy to evade but sometimes all that registers is you releasing block, the swipe gets ignored and it's game over because she deals so much damage.
After evading her specials, swipes to dash in and attack often get ignored and my champion just stands there waiting for a punch to the face.
It's not fun when you can't actually control your own champion.