Please stop the constant in game talk about endgame

I was having a very nice time playing mcoc in my bedroom, i was scrolling to the mail then to the livechat and what do you know, there was about 100 people trying to spoil endgame for the entire community, I know kabam are trying to stop people from doing this, but please can you try harder, i havent watched the film yet but now i know all that will happen in it, kabam please, at least bann the players who spoil it for us, because i dont want one more single bit of information of endgame in my head, next time i log in
thank you kabam
please help me
thank you kabam
please help me
The people spoiling the movie on the global chat are not breaking any rule
Banning/blocking user's is not an option, since there is no rule breaking, and there is no use of offensive/sexual language. Also considering that the player is not a bot.