Most overrated champ/Most Underrated champ

Overrated- Ghost Rider, Carnage, IMIW, spider Gwen or maybe proxima midnight
Underrated-She Hulk, Darkhawk,Angela, Red Hulk, Luke Cage,Gwenpool
Underrated-She Hulk, Darkhawk,Angela, Red Hulk, Luke Cage,Gwenpool
Most underrated: Wasp
Underrated-Proxima, Killmonger
Also, power control
Nuff said
Underrated= X-23, Venom
Underrated Ronan
Underrated: Ronan
Overrated by Foxhero007: Joe fixit and kk
Overrated: iceman
Underrated: wasp
Under-rated: Crossbones. Don't hear nearly enough about this dude. Really solid attacker and decent defender.
Underrated dark hawk sentinel Emma proxima killmonger
Underrated- electro
Edit- forgot about his heal block against healing champs with the blade of his sp1 and heavy
Overrated: Blade (not bad but fanboys way overrate him)
Underrated: Wasp and Crossbones
Perfectly Rated as Garbage: Joe Fixit and Kamala
Underrated: Nebula. Immune to bleed/poison/shock (up to 3 per fight), massive shock damage potential, has a heal mechanic and can shut down robot champs.
Underrated, modok as an attacker.
Most just stuck him in defence and forget about him
Underrated: mordo
Played with Ghost, I learned to play Ghost without Wasp, and it s a pleasure now.
The Hood is my best champ against opponents with a lot of buffs. Against Hyperion too.
Power Drain, invisibility. when synergy with Ghost, he starts the fight invisible, that s pretty cool and usefull >> No stress
And such damages for his sp2. I use Sp1 only to switch back for CD of invisibility when opponent is stunned.
Gwenpool is rated very highly so don’t see how she could be underrated.
Personally I think ghost is over rated and storm is underrated.
Underrated: taskmaster, Darkhawk
My opinion.
Underrated: Loki, great for act 5 final boss and for the monthly quests where buff heavy opponents pop up. Hela, with enough patience you can get her doing over 23k crits on a medium attack (this is from personal experience btw)
Underrated: Darkhawk
Ironman IW fix? Have my dude hit harder or some sort of fury buff/crit buff that last a while.
Now for Darkhawk, y’all gotta get you one. The guy is fun as hell to play with!!!!!
Underrated : Rogue