Best Avenger for Nameless Thanos?

Jack_OHaraJack_OHara Member Posts: 92
This isn't a general "Who's the best to fight Thanos with" kind of poll. I could beat Master mode with the champs I have, but haven't fought him yet (trying to complete and explore at the same time). But for the people who might need the safeguard or the class advantage, who's the best to beat Thanos with?

Let's say that all champs are unawakened, just to make this a bit easier. Some of the newer and better Avengers are left out because these ones are much easier to come by.

Best Avenger for Nameless Thanos? 56 votes

OG Iron Man
Spity685tarscreamLordGenesis 3 votes
Player1994CheddarBobIamTryingMyBestLordRaymond3ClydaniaMitchell35X_Factor_AgentLoctiteSuperGlueGeorgiaDawgLostReplica23RazeStrikeYcatsCapn_DanteXyresic_LemonEdisonLaw 15 votes
OG Hulk
UltimatheoryRaganatorHotCarlosNanoDroidTerraTeddersSixshot1saanandLaVarBBBJohn757Battle_GreninjaSDPTheSquish671GwenpoolManGritabitEtjamaThe_WatcherAlexG29 18 votes
Thor (Ragnarok)
DkutctghTheKiryuMasterBearÆgon0710Narwhal52x 5 votes
OG Thor
winterthurCmbk96Darkrider05Incitatus666Rockypantherxchaos_bruhSlimeball 7 votes
OG Captain America
SgtSlaughter78Harbinger195CupidTorah13Denzel116Thanos_Car 6 votes
OG Black Panther
Black Panther (Civil War)
BowTieJohnEviscerator 2 votes


  • SlimeballSlimeball Member Posts: 340 ★★
    OG Thor
    i did it with 4 star cap iw and 6 star imiw
  • JustAnotherDudeJustAnotherDude Member Posts: 61
    Cap IW sp3 with some armor breaks stacked up, he wrecks nameless. Plus he can nullify that annoying unstoppable.
  • Sixshot1Sixshot1 Member Posts: 459 ★★
    OG Hulk
    CapIW is easily the best option. Looking at older champs tho, I'd say Hulk just because when you finally get around to using revives, he has some nice damage. Can also stun chain the earlier phases, which is nice since you don't have to worry about sp3 until the final phase.
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  • Fred_JoeityFred_Joeity Member Posts: 1,170 ★★★
    Btw this works for SW and might work for any other quicker specials, but a medium intercept chaining into a sp2 can deal a lot more damage than the sp3, especially if it crits. Also if you use a special to intercept Thanos, you could possibly fire a slightly longer special (tested it once with Starky, and all 3 hits if the sp2 did damage).
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  • Jack_OHaraJack_OHara Member Posts: 92
    I didn't put Cap IW because he's obviously the best option, but he's not super common. A whole lot of people on the other hand have champs like OG Iron Man, so of the ones I listed: they're not great but have that essential safeguard. So because they have that useful mechanic, they become better than some other champions. My question was basically, out of all of them, which one is most useful.
  • ZuroZuro Member Posts: 2,932 ★★★★★
    I used antman with ghost synergy
  • Arbiter2426Arbiter2426 Member Posts: 346
    edited April 2019
    Cap infinity war
    Edit: didnt see what toy said about cap iw my bad
  • WoozieWoozie Member Posts: 479 ★★
    OG Hulk is really good
  • Duke_SilverDuke_Silver Member Posts: 2,421 ★★★★
    I’m curious to see if anyone has had any luck with Antman (w/ghost synergy). Those armor breaks in the last phase should give him a decent boost in his Attack. Might rank up my 5* if he’s a viable option.
  • TaZ_4178TaZ_4178 Member Posts: 506 ★★
    Cap iw... period! Just did 100% uncollected last night... he was only at rank 3 btw perfect champ for phase 3 of thanos
  • ClydaniaClydania Member Posts: 440 ★★
    Iron man or cap IW
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  • DrAwkwardPhDDrAwkwardPhD Member Posts: 234 ★★
    In the final phase, I’ve had the best luck with OG Hulk. If timed properly, you can have a bunch of armor breaks to transfer over, while you have a Fury (or Hulk Smash! if you dare allow your health that low intentionally against Nameless Thanos), and smash that SP3 for big damage.
  • EvilEmpireEvilEmpire Member Posts: 639 ★★★
    OG hulk and SW s2 hits hard and is easy to chain inside the time limited time window.
  • johara84johara84 Member Posts: 145
    edited April 2019
    Gulk or Hulk Ragnarok was my best. Also not mentioned. If you intercept on his sp2 the first hit opened the door the second hit was huge.
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